Quiet now, your voice seems miles away
Its somehow I hear your song resound
A little bit softer each day
And from my tired heart a little bit farther away
Ill sing along
The whole day through
Just do your best to hear me
Its all you can do
You have my attention
Like youve had all the while
Since that first day when you...
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Its somehow I hear your song resound
A little bit softer each day
And from my tired heart a little bit farther away
Ill sing along
The whole day through
Just do your best to hear me
Its all you can do
You have my attention
Like youve had all the while
Since that first day when you...
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well no one really reads this anymore, and SG is great but I don't thinK i will be on here very much anymore.
SG OK sucks big balls now since certain people have left and moved away from oklahoma. I have myspace and xanga.....granted they have no hot naked chicks and not as many cool people. But for now, I think I will take a...
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SG OK sucks big balls now since certain people have left and moved away from oklahoma. I have myspace and xanga.....granted they have no hot naked chicks and not as many cool people. But for now, I think I will take a...
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i will miss you, even though you might not think so..... take care and i wish you well.....
thanks. i haven't cut my hair since september though, it's just kind of grown into that style, but i like it
i don't sell my art, weird thing was some chick offered to give me a pair of pants and pay me to paint on them just about and hour ago durning my speech class because i was wearing my pants. it's all very amusing. i have never been able to part with it, i just put so much life and energy into it that i don't know... i'm strange.

i don't sell my art, weird thing was some chick offered to give me a pair of pants and pay me to paint on them just about and hour ago durning my speech class because i was wearing my pants. it's all very amusing. i have never been able to part with it, i just put so much life and energy into it that i don't know... i'm strange.

Gay Marriage Amendment
It's his personal opinion and I don't think it should be espoused on all of america. That is just so very lame. But of course I am sure that it would never get passed in congress. But it un-nerves me that he thinks he has enough clout to get them to.
I got in a wreck the other day. It sucked. Where's...
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It's his personal opinion and I don't think it should be espoused on all of america. That is just so very lame. But of course I am sure that it would never get passed in congress. But it un-nerves me that he thinks he has enough clout to get them to.
I got in a wreck the other day. It sucked. Where's...
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Well I am glad to hear you are still doing well.

i have been thinking a lot about the past. I must have been the biggest pain in the ass to raise. I have blocked out a lot of my past because I find it inconceivable that at the tender age of 16, yes, that was me doing acid during school and smoking pot between classes. I was the one who lost her virginity in my...
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Never got a chance to get into six feet under..Always thought about it but it never really grabbed me.Family guy is on fox sundays at like 10 or earlier.Watashi wa Chris Desu.Dozo Yoroshiku Thats about all the Japanese I've learned so far...
My spelling rocks
[Edited on Jun 18, 2005 8:59PM]
My spelling rocks
[Edited on Jun 18, 2005 8:59PM]
saying you dont like it?
I need to get out and shoot more

leaving sometime in the end of september, i have to be in illinois before i can send in my application so i can be a "resident" i don't get to start until the spring, which isn't that much time, between october and january. but assuming i get in, i'll be getting my very own little apartment. all by me onesys and my family will be a nice safe 6 hours away.
they're going back to scott
they're going back to scott
Cool shoes, shame about the job though.
18hrs...to I see Garbage!
18hrs...to I see Garbage!

Today i had in-processing at the hospital. I had to get some blood work done, so I wasn't supposed to eat anything the night before or this morning. So right as she was taking the syringe full of blood out of my arm, I fucking passed the hell out. Then I threw up in my mouth, then the trash, and later on in the toliet....
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The happiest hospital on earth!!
Eeks! Well glad you're OK now.
That hospital sounds bad...
That hospital sounds bad...
so since I am in SC for the summer I thought I would list some things that I am missing and some things that I am not...
I miss...
bowling with friends
cookouts (bbqs.)
hanging out with friends
staying up late watching cheesy wrestling shows
finding new code words for "sex"
laying in my man's nook
laying in his bed
making out
spending the...
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I miss...
bowling with friends
cookouts (bbqs.)
hanging out with friends
staying up late watching cheesy wrestling shows
finding new code words for "sex"
laying in my man's nook
laying in his bed
making out
spending the...
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i never answered you about the cilantro, i don't really know why it makes me sad... it just does. i think it has something to do with my mum putting it in all sorts of things growing up... it's a fun thing to make me sad though...

How are you Miss Emilia? Welcome to my teeniny group of friends. Teeniny but all quite distinguished might I add....

Wow things are so much better today. I started my summer job as a lifeguard at the country club out here. We rescued a baby birdy from the pool. It was actually drowning! And later after it dried off it flew a little bit. I hope it will be okay.
It's my man's birthday ( random ) so everyone should go say happy birthday...
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Wow things are so much better today. I started my summer job as a lifeguard at the country club out here. We rescued a baby birdy from the pool. It was actually drowning! And later after it dried off it flew a little bit. I hope it will be okay.
It's my man's birthday ( random ) so everyone should go say happy birthday...
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wow! you're back. yay.
I like the poem you posted, or is it lyrics? Either way, I've felt that way before.