i realized why i hate comming home, i have no friends!
ha! who needs them, ive got water..mmm...aberfoyle natural spring....i have inhaled at least ten bottles today....i could go bowling with my fellow naked gals, but i have no ride home. woe is me.
ha! who needs them, ive got water..mmm...aberfoyle natural spring....i have inhaled at least ten bottles today....i could go bowling with my fellow naked gals, but i have no ride home. woe is me.
what? no one with give you a ride to play with nakid girls and their big hard balls. pssshhh.
hmmmm... if there was an invitation to go bowling with girls I've seen naked, having no ride would NOT stop me from getting there. But alas, no invitation, no naked girls... but I have a car! I'm not sure who has it worse, you or me