Monday again. But it was a good one, I didn't have to work today. Back to the grind again tomorrow. Sucks, but I guess we gotta do it.
Didn't make it to the beach this weekend after all.
One of the people I was going with got sick. But it wasn't all a waste. Ended up having a blind date Saturday night that went well.
We had talked about dinner and a movie, but ended up just hanging out together for about 4 hours talking. We both have a lot of the same goals in life so thats a plus. Hope this one works out. Kind of getting tired of not having someone in my life.
How was everyones weekend? Hope you all had a great one. Have a good week.
Love to all.
Didn't make it to the beach this weekend after all.

How was everyones weekend? Hope you all had a great one. Have a good week.

Love to all.
that's good that the blind date went well, you never really can tell with those things..
I'm so happy the blind date went well, that's a shaky thing to do, you are braver than me
!! I'm gonna have a better weekend this weekend!!