okay i'm better now. according to the nice guy at the bank, the extra charges from sally's should go away within the next couple of days. and that extra like $500 that's in there is actually supposed to be there, due to a wonderful new invention called overdraft protection. basically, about a month ago, i overdrew my account and the bank took $507.35 off my credit card and put it into my bank account to cover all the charges that were overdrawing my account. which is also why my credit card got maxed out so fast. so, long story short, i'm not nearly as fucked as i thought i was! i can buy food! and gas! and makeup! okay well maybe i'll hold off on the makeup... but food! and gas!
i'm so happy...
i'm so happy...
mine charges 22.75 for ever check that passes you under 0 dollars, evne if yer .10 cents overdrawn forget it 22.75 extra you will be haha
oh well