my roommate's alarm clock started going off at roughly 5am. it continued to go off until about 5:20 am when i got up and started to pitch a fit. then it turned off. if scott was home the whole time, why the fuck didn't he turn it off? why the fuck did i have to wake up a full hour before i actually needed to? so i overslept. and now i'm going in late to school. i really want to miss but i have to start actually going every day because they'll put me on propation or something if i don't. and really. what's the point of being in school if i don't actually ever go and get my hours so i can graduate someday and get my frickin license? i'm just so frustrated. i have so many ideas and the little old ladies (henceforth referred to as 'lols') probably aren't going to want feathered angle bangs and funky color. so, lucky me, i just get to roll perms and fuck up fingerwaves all the time. good times.
i need to do my hair and put some makeup on and go. bleh...
i need to do my hair and put some makeup on and go. bleh...

You can do my hair but I really don't have much to work with. I pretty sure there are some LOLs out there that want feathered angle hair, like, Farrah Faucet!
You were the one I was talkin to @ the BBQ over the weekend right?