Let me tell out about tradgic weekend when i realised that i hate all my mates.
Friday night- In my local listening to sum music having some drinks when i look around and notice its like fucking hollyoaks in there, u know what i mean when its like your ex is there who's now going out with the ex gf of the guy you cheated on the ex boyfriend with and the cousin of a one night stand your current bf had is with your ex best mate who fucked your brother and have him herpes and your brothers ex is now shagging the love of your life who you lost your virginilty to but shes cheating on them with your mates aunties, mothers, dis owned godmother who's a junkie and blah blah blh u get the drift it made me feel quite ill at the fact that everyone in the pub had at some piont either knocked each other out or shared bodily fluid!
Saturday night- Get all dolled up in my new outfit to see a couple of mates bands. Problem is there all fucking Indie and i Hate indie kids, normally i can tolerate listening but not tonight. No there all fucked off there faces on god knows what stumbling round the places in skinny jeans and waistcoats all looking and acting like a pete docherty wanna be (and the gals either Kate Moss or Agness Deyn wanna be's) Am i the only person who thinks this just isnt fucking cool!!? My 'best mates' are there but are to engrossed in there new indie mates to even give a shit and the ex bf who's going out with the ex gf of the guy i cheated on my ex with simply now ignores me.
Im looking for new buddies. Ones that are loyal, and individual and that i actually have something in common with and ones thats dont shag anything, all freaks, geek and wierdos accepted BUT most importantly please no indies
Let me tell out about tradgic weekend when i realised that i hate all my mates.
Friday night- In my local listening to sum music having some drinks when i look around and notice its like fucking hollyoaks in there, u know what i mean when its like your ex is there who's now going out with the ex gf of the guy you cheated on the ex boyfriend with and the cousin of a one night stand your current bf had is with your ex best mate who fucked your brother and have him herpes and your brothers ex is now shagging the love of your life who you lost your virginilty to but shes cheating on them with your mates aunties, mothers, dis owned godmother who's a junkie and blah blah blh u get the drift it made me feel quite ill at the fact that everyone in the pub had at some piont either knocked each other out or shared bodily fluid!
Saturday night- Get all dolled up in my new outfit to see a couple of mates bands. Problem is there all fucking Indie and i Hate indie kids, normally i can tolerate listening but not tonight. No there all fucked off there faces on god knows what stumbling round the places in skinny jeans and waistcoats all looking and acting like a pete docherty wanna be (and the gals either Kate Moss or Agness Deyn wanna be's) Am i the only person who thinks this just isnt fucking cool!!? My 'best mates' are there but are to engrossed in there new indie mates to even give a shit and the ex bf who's going out with the ex gf of the guy i cheated on my ex with simply now ignores me.
Im looking for new buddies. Ones that are loyal, and individual and that i actually have something in common with and ones thats dont shag anything, all freaks, geek and wierdos accepted BUT most importantly please no indies

i am not indie lol or where skinny jeans or waistcoats lol