- I can't afford to have people that don't give a shit about anything in my life.
- Just because you think you're good at pretending to be innocent doesn't mean I wont notice. In case you didn't know, I notice everything.
- I understand girls because I am one, but It would take me a life time to explain why we do the things we do. So to make it short and sweet, we are way too emotional and we read into everything for no fucking reason. Most of us are crazy, some are not but there's a 95% chance you will end up with a crazy girl.
- Do pick up lines "I like that bra color on you but I'd rather it on my floor" really work? Where are you getting this material bro...
- The size of someones penis can effect their personality greatly.
- You give a little and you get it back, It goes around like that.
- In case you think you missed something! This is what we've been reduced to:
- I think if you are feeling something you should say it because I'm not a fucking mind reader.
- There is no good reason to tattoo your own name on your neck. It can't be to identify your badly fucked body that burned in a fire because I highly doubt your neck will indefinitely survive. P.s thats what dog tags are for.. and if you're THAT fucking serious about being Identified... I think you should get some.
When has someone ever said "Its a good thing his name was on his neck, other wise... he wouldeve been fucked..."
- "It fills me with murderous rage when people think their car horn doubles as a door bell and sit beeping it in my neighborhood."
- F.Y.I when a person you are sexually/romantically interested gives you the option to decided if they should keep in contact with an ex or not.. always choose for them to NOT stay in contact. Don't feel bad about it either because there's no good reason to keep exs as friends anyways.
- Guess what makes you a trendy asshole? Not having a facebook or any sort of social networking site. Doesn't make you cool... just makes you weird.
- If ever you are confused about a friendship/relationship give yourself a dead line. 2 weeks should do it. Bet me you won't have an answer by then about what you should do.
Funny texts between friends and I:
- I don't really understand why people who get divorced get married for a second time to someone else. It's like you already failed, what are you trying to prove? At that point you should just give up and have the same mediocre "relationships" the rest of us do. Face it bro, you are not marriage material.
- Is there really a point to decaffeinated coffee?
- You become a self centered bitch when you re-tweet everyones birthday wish to you. Who the fuck does that? Why do I need to know you have people that you've never met saying happy birthday? Truth is, I don't bitch... I know... it hurts doesnt it...
- Also, I don't follow back people that have more than 1000 followers. Why? because I like to feel important.. and after 100 twitterers, all my shit's gonna get lost.. and thats not fair.
- Question: Would it piss you off more if someone told you "I'm not following you anymore because I can't stand what you have to say" or if someone just stopped following you and didn't say anything? I can't make up my mind.. it would piss me off both ways but at least option one is honest.
- Why the fuck do I have to wait a whole year for another season to come out? That's entirely too long for me personally and quite frankly I don't fucking understand that as a society we strive to achieve the smallest most fastest anything but when it comes to movies or tv shows it takes for fucking ever... quit it... I see what you're doing and it's fucking lame.
- Love is a magnetic field with only one reciprocating magnet.
- You know what I love? When someone you can't fucking stand repeats what you just said but with a switch up in words and it all of a sudden becomes the right thing. Fuck that shit.
- No one gives a shit about you being in a porno... seriously.
- A relationship works like this: One person is the spark, and the other something that's extremely flammable. Which are you?
- You can't take a hoe to a hotel.
- I don't know if you all remember but the world may be ending in decemeber. So by the looks of it you have 4 months to do everything you ever wanted and it could end in two ways...
The world crumbling into nothing
You just had the best ending to 2012... here's to 2013...
- In the end all we really want is someone that can finish our sentences
- A sense of humor is derived from a real fucked up past.
- Show no mercy.
- How come I always fuck up my airstrike in COD?
- Never lie about your penis size UNLESS you are are making it out to be smaller than it really is. I like surprises... but the good kind... not the bad kind.
- "Look, You don't want this pussy? Fine. Someone will. Cause this pussy doesn't have an expiration date and its always fresh"
- Never love somebody that treats you like you're ordinary
- You know what I love? to be confused. I love to feel like I have absolutely no footing in anything. I love waking up in the morning and asking myself "What the fuck does that mean?" and NEVER having a single answer to anything.
Kill me.
- "I am trying to find the courage to be tender in my life. I know that violent people are weak people. Only the gentle are ever really strong."
- If only you could see how much your emotions waver.
- Is it just coincidence that you copy me in every way possible or is it cause you want to copy me in every way possible...
- I'm sorry that I'm not a complete and total bitch that gets mad at everything you do which in return makes me an extremely boring and predictable person. I grew out of that phase when I was 16 but I'll take a class or two on "Bitch" and "Crazy" soon.
- "All of our girlfriends need to get jobs and support us and our video game addiction" - Dude at a party
- "I've played that war game once... its just so hard!" - Dudes girlfriend.
- What goes around comes around.
- Just because you think you're good at pretending to be innocent doesn't mean I wont notice. In case you didn't know, I notice everything.
- I understand girls because I am one, but It would take me a life time to explain why we do the things we do. So to make it short and sweet, we are way too emotional and we read into everything for no fucking reason. Most of us are crazy, some are not but there's a 95% chance you will end up with a crazy girl.
- Do pick up lines "I like that bra color on you but I'd rather it on my floor" really work? Where are you getting this material bro...
- The size of someones penis can effect their personality greatly.
- You give a little and you get it back, It goes around like that.
- In case you think you missed something! This is what we've been reduced to:
- I think if you are feeling something you should say it because I'm not a fucking mind reader.
- There is no good reason to tattoo your own name on your neck. It can't be to identify your badly fucked body that burned in a fire because I highly doubt your neck will indefinitely survive. P.s thats what dog tags are for.. and if you're THAT fucking serious about being Identified... I think you should get some.
When has someone ever said "Its a good thing his name was on his neck, other wise... he wouldeve been fucked..."
- "It fills me with murderous rage when people think their car horn doubles as a door bell and sit beeping it in my neighborhood."
- F.Y.I when a person you are sexually/romantically interested gives you the option to decided if they should keep in contact with an ex or not.. always choose for them to NOT stay in contact. Don't feel bad about it either because there's no good reason to keep exs as friends anyways.
- Guess what makes you a trendy asshole? Not having a facebook or any sort of social networking site. Doesn't make you cool... just makes you weird.
- If ever you are confused about a friendship/relationship give yourself a dead line. 2 weeks should do it. Bet me you won't have an answer by then about what you should do.
Funny texts between friends and I:
- I don't really understand why people who get divorced get married for a second time to someone else. It's like you already failed, what are you trying to prove? At that point you should just give up and have the same mediocre "relationships" the rest of us do. Face it bro, you are not marriage material.
- Is there really a point to decaffeinated coffee?
- You become a self centered bitch when you re-tweet everyones birthday wish to you. Who the fuck does that? Why do I need to know you have people that you've never met saying happy birthday? Truth is, I don't bitch... I know... it hurts doesnt it...
- Also, I don't follow back people that have more than 1000 followers. Why? because I like to feel important.. and after 100 twitterers, all my shit's gonna get lost.. and thats not fair.
- Question: Would it piss you off more if someone told you "I'm not following you anymore because I can't stand what you have to say" or if someone just stopped following you and didn't say anything? I can't make up my mind.. it would piss me off both ways but at least option one is honest.
- Why the fuck do I have to wait a whole year for another season to come out? That's entirely too long for me personally and quite frankly I don't fucking understand that as a society we strive to achieve the smallest most fastest anything but when it comes to movies or tv shows it takes for fucking ever... quit it... I see what you're doing and it's fucking lame.
- Love is a magnetic field with only one reciprocating magnet.
- You know what I love? When someone you can't fucking stand repeats what you just said but with a switch up in words and it all of a sudden becomes the right thing. Fuck that shit.
- No one gives a shit about you being in a porno... seriously.
- A relationship works like this: One person is the spark, and the other something that's extremely flammable. Which are you?
- You can't take a hoe to a hotel.
- I don't know if you all remember but the world may be ending in decemeber. So by the looks of it you have 4 months to do everything you ever wanted and it could end in two ways...
The world crumbling into nothing
You just had the best ending to 2012... here's to 2013...
- In the end all we really want is someone that can finish our sentences
- A sense of humor is derived from a real fucked up past.
- Show no mercy.
- How come I always fuck up my airstrike in COD?
- Never lie about your penis size UNLESS you are are making it out to be smaller than it really is. I like surprises... but the good kind... not the bad kind.
- "Look, You don't want this pussy? Fine. Someone will. Cause this pussy doesn't have an expiration date and its always fresh"
- Never love somebody that treats you like you're ordinary
- You know what I love? to be confused. I love to feel like I have absolutely no footing in anything. I love waking up in the morning and asking myself "What the fuck does that mean?" and NEVER having a single answer to anything.
Kill me.
- "I am trying to find the courage to be tender in my life. I know that violent people are weak people. Only the gentle are ever really strong."
- If only you could see how much your emotions waver.
- Is it just coincidence that you copy me in every way possible or is it cause you want to copy me in every way possible...
- I'm sorry that I'm not a complete and total bitch that gets mad at everything you do which in return makes me an extremely boring and predictable person. I grew out of that phase when I was 16 but I'll take a class or two on "Bitch" and "Crazy" soon.
- "All of our girlfriends need to get jobs and support us and our video game addiction" - Dude at a party
- "I've played that war game once... its just so hard!" - Dudes girlfriend.
- What goes around comes around.
I got some really good advice, thank you. Thank you very much
city and colour is number one as it well should be. very nice to meet you and thanks for the add