Well, it was yet another good night of rocking and rolling with one Mr. Itsalivemedia and other enthusiastic cohorts. Yesterday we caught the Bedroom Walls show and, as usual, they've inspired me to succomb to my bad habits.

I'm becoming quite skilled at late nights, revelry, early mornings and no sleep. If I keep this up, in just a few months I'll be invincible. Right?...
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I am trying to get us on the GL and if not I am sure it's not more than $8. But I should be able to get in. Keep you posted. As for time...stay tuned.....they are not the swiftest in replying to my emails. We'll figure it out.

I was at the ER at like midnight and it was HOT. I can't imagine drinking there last night or tnight...too damn hot.

Uh...you can always drink, gasp, somewhere else?
EmilyGee where are you? tongue
Somehow, someway, the planets have alligned.

I have Pixies tickets.

The day can't get any better. I'm having a hard time not turning into a frenetic nutball here at work.
strip clubs?! where was i? oh yeah, out of town. next time!.. smile

Yeah, the Head Map thing. I was turned on to it by a friend in SF who runs in some really interesting spiritually connected circles. I'm not sure what the implications would be across the different class systems, but i do think that it would be relatively cheap to set up a first generation ad-hoc system with a low barrier to entry for the end user. obviously it would probably catch on first with techie people and college kids. From the comments I read in the news post, everyone seemed to think that'd be the next coming of Big Brother, but the internet really didn't develop that way. and i don't think this would/will either. If you had envisioned the internet in 1965, people would have said the same thing. Obviously if it's handled by a large corporation or the US government it will have the possibility of being abused, but from reading what these guys have to say, it seems like their idea is more in line with open source development and creating something that isn't owned by anyone and incapable of being controlled by any one entity. with the idea being that it's usefulness is derived from how different people use it.

To be honest, I only read the first few pages of the .pdf doc they have on the site. I went through the flash piece, and had a really interesting conversation with my friend, but that's about it. For me, the real interesting part is how computers are largely a 2D, unemotional and completely "outward" experience, sitting at a desk in from of a big monitor and a box, where as something like this would more closely bring technology into your inner life and it would be the first sign of computers fading away and becoming a more behind the scenes thing. The internet becoming more spatial and time related, rather then a static collection of pages, something that enhances your interaction with other people and your surroundings rather then what it is right now, a medium of communication.

ok, it's my turn to apologize for the heavy winded, totally non footnoted and over generalized mush that i call text, above.

{ did that make any sense? }
Hey, I think I will be there at 10pm? They go on at 11pm......I can put your name on the GL...but I don't know your last name! How pathetic! Call me? lol
oh, very good! It's nice to see that all walks of live on all sides of the State enjoy things equally. The Show was good, and I am getting excited about the Cursive show, looks like it's gonna be a mess of us going (5). The neighborhood the 9:30 club is in, is pretty sketchy, actually, I walked around a few blocks prior to a show and was thoroughly spooked, so I high tailed it back to the venue. When it comes to Cities and stuff I'm a bit of a pussy. I really don't know why, but it's just scary sometimes. I don't like that I feel unsafe, even if I am safe.

Man it's getting hot here...cold there (it's like 75 now). I might have to go outside more often, maybe even get abit of a tan (I just kinda get a shade darker that's about it, looks like my air hair is darker actually.)

This weekend was pretty fun, went to a hockey game yesterday up north, about 7 hours of driving for a 2 hour game. Ran into traffic too, very sucky. but, it was a fun game, I'm not much for sports, but I can get into a game if I know what's going on. Probably goes for just about anyone.

Oh, Also, don't now if you know, but there's a new David Cross cd coming out on the 5th. It's Not Funny . I had an advance listen and it's really fucking funny. So check it out. biggrin
that Devastatin' Dave record is tight! "say no to drugs!"

how was your weekend?
I'm updating, all right?

I saw the Breeders last night and had a blast. Karen O came on stage to do a number with Har Mar Superstar which was actually pretty rad. All in all, good times were had. I rocked my socks off.

Have been thinking a lot lately about finally getting back into academia. It's really the only thing I desire to do,...
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The show? It was....ok.

John Gold.....should have been renamed: John Bronze.

The Shore (aka The Snore) were like some bad Oasis/Pulp band from LA who hired their on sound guy to mix just their sound. It was so loud I was in the lobby and I was screaming to be heard.

Dengue Fever was fun! Like that band a lot. looked like some bizarre Funkadelic offshoot in their shiny garb.

The Vacation were good. Frankly, not great tho. I think the sound was too "big" and the El Rey was too empty but the time they went on. You couldn't hear the lyrics at all.

Lovemakers....evidently a SG favorite were a dull faux elecetro band. Altho the girl in the panties and sports bra was good eye candy.

Still you were missed. See you Sunday for a show or 2? Do you have my #?
First thing....please update again!

Ok...Sunday it is.....he's on at 10pm so I'll be there at 9pm! Call me if you wanna grab a bite and head over...the BEST thai food is across the street from Jumbos.

Also, lemme know if you wanna go to both. Free for me (and you if you come):

Saturday, April 17 @ the gala opening of Big Twenty (a hep new late-nite
with VIVA K and AM, followed by guest DJ GERI from SUPREME BEINGS OF LEISURE
4930 Hollywood Blvd @ Kenmore in happy Los Feliz
$5...10pm...Cheap Booze...18+

Wednesday, April 21 @ El Cid
4212 W. Sunset Blvd. in snappy Silver Lake
$5 if you print out this email...Doors @ 9pm...BWs on @ 10:45
God damn do I need a new journal entry. So I guess this is it. Nothing really illustrious, but a fresh one none the less.

A) Went to Del Mar this weekend to meet Doug Brinkley -- a presidential historian who is out-of-control. Had a great conversation with him and meet a lot of politicos from the Clinton administration. Pretty unusual for a Saturday and...
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Thank you so much for that. Perspectives in relationships are vague and unnatural for me to even conceive. But truth be told, what you said will not go in vain, but we broke up last night. I was an idiot cause I was everything you said I probably shouldn't be and more, I invested a lot of emotion energy in a 2 week fling as the rebound guy from a 2 year relationship. I was upset, but mainly I was mad at myself for letting me get like that. A shitload of factors went into it too. I haven't been in a relationship at all in like years, I haven't had sex in like a year and a half and I was just totally like a child in a giant candy store thinking that his mother will buy him everything, but ends up getting lost next to the gumdrops and gobstoppers.

What's even worse is, we had sex in the short period of time and I actually feel very used. There wasn't any sort of hesitance on either of our behalves, it just happened. And that was the end of that. I think I was more hurt by that than anything else.

I'll collect myself eventually, I'm old enough to not make this weird or anything. I know the next time I see her will be difficult, but I'll suck it up and just live. Cause you can't turn time back. Thanks for going thru that tornado of emotional destruction with me, what a fucked up right huh?
yeah, thanks, you did give me some nice insight. I hope I have the will power and control to not do anything like that again and just let things progress naturally with equal levels of everything from both parties. I'm sure I'll find someone that's even more compatible than she was, and despite the sheer fact that I just got dumped, I don't feel rejected and I actually feel alittle more confident than normally. As if I'm a new man. I just have one question: What does this mean "the ssssh, the bad" I must not have been paying too much attention to something. Sorry. You weren't drinking when you wrote that? must be all that metatagging. Hey did you hear anything about a new album from Cursive? I'm curious, I know this tour is for the Plea for Peace, I hope they play a lot of stuff from their old albums, I had so much fun the last show I saw them at and they played like the entire Burst and Bloom album! Oh well, I guess I'll have to get my tix soon for the upcoming shows. Plus, Q and Not U is playing near by too, they're like my second favorite band! Check them out if you haven't heard them yet, Dischord Records. Thanks again! smile
God damn do I need a new journal entry. So I guess this is it. Nothing really illustrious, but a fresh one none the less.

Went to Del Mar this weekend to meet Doug Brinkley -- a presidential historian who is out-of-control. Had a great conversation with him and meet a lot of politicos from the Clinton administration.

Got rid of the fucking cat. My...
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i just spent the last of my money on an account my ex-boyfriend was allegedly paying. people can be so disappointing. i guess i can fuck all those other bills i'm also 'allegedly' supposed to be paying.

looks like it's just me and the hole-in-the-wall in koreatown for a good while. at least i have a private stash of smokes and red wine to fall...
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OOOOOOOOOOOH! Drats and double drats! Curse that wicked Rojo. She broke the streak! I was hoping for two months without journal entry but mine alone. I shall have to teach her a lesson for taking away my ego-mojo!

So guess where I went last night? Soot Bull Jeep. We both LOVED it but as you are required to order 2 main dishes at dinner (new rule?) we both stuffed ourselves silly. I love that place. You come out smelling like charcoal. I think the folks at the "alternative comedy" night my friends girlfriend was performing at thought m name was Arthur Bryant*

I think it's time for Mom's next week. Are you in? Perhaps Monday? dengue Fever are the free Monday night band at Spaceland this month. have you heard them? REALLY great

*FYI master BBQ-er in Kansas City, Mo, unofficially the best BBQ in the country. Dengue Fever
Yeah.....thre is MORE to the story about LGS.....but it does not involve Courtney.......odd huh?

I'll tell you more when we hang, eat at Mom's, have some drinks at The Prince/The Bounty. Bummer I didn't know you earlier, until Oct. I workes on Cataline and Wilshire....so we could have had after dinner drinks nightly.

4 people in a one bedroom? What? And Monday looks to be out...that's cool tho. We can try another night.....not to worry. Have a good weekend!