I'm starting a new job on monday! I'm going to be a jewelry apprentice for a large jewelry store! It's crazy to me because even though I took all the jewelry and small metals classes as well as a independent study in chain making, I never considered pursuing a career in jewelry. It was just always more of a hobby to me. But this amazing opportunity will help me pursue my freelance photography on the side.
Here is a sample of what I made during my independent study last year! I love chain making! This will be my first time working a full time job and I'm so excited and nervous! I can't believe how lucky I am as a recent college grad to find a full time job doing something I love! It may not be what my major was actually in but it's still something I studied and I love!
I also wanted to finally post some more previews of my sets with @orion and @nixie which I'm sure everyone has seen from their profiles! The sets will be posted in 4 months which seems so far away but I'm sure it will come so soon! I can't wait to share the rest of these photos with the world, I'm so proud of my first sets! I can't wait to shoot more!