Let's see. I went to Austin Friday. Steve and I went to Pappasitos. Wow, their salsa is WEIRD. I think the only reason we ate it was to discuss our interpretations of it. "Hmm, this salsa is... off..." "Wait, do I taste *insert flavor here*?" No, you didn't taste that because the salsa had no flavor. Just strange. Then the waiter so graciously brought us MORE salsa. This time it was really hot (temperature-wise) which made it even more disgusting. One taste and that salsa was retired.
The food was ok, but I found it slightly disturbing when Steve was given garlic butter with his food. Garlic butter? Ok, butter I can understand - but garlic? Then I somehow knocked it over, spilling it all over the table and nicely covering my fingers (and getting it under my fingernails). Gross.
I think it also got in the guacamole so I tried my best to eat around it. The salsa and the garlic butter will always be burned into my memory. I am never going to Pappasitos again.
After that we went to a birthday party for one of Steve's friends. It was ok considering I knew no one, aside from Steve of course.
Saturday we went bowling. I was doing so well, and then it all ended. I suck at bowling. You would think I would be better seeing as I bowl somewhat frequently. I blame it all on the lane. That lane was warped. End of story.
Then we rented The Terminal. Not bad. That accent was crazy. How did Tom Hanks pull that off? I am impressed.
Sunday Steve made me watch football crap on tv. I would've said the day was crappy, but I found out about a grade that made me very happy. I won't lie - there may have been some skipping around the apartment.
I am a nerd. Please kill me.
Monday I woke up early to drive home. Boo. I made pretty good time so that was good. Although, I was rushing home for a doctor appointment, so there really was no exciting benefit to coming home at all. After the stupid appointment where I was tortured, I then subjected myself to more torture in the form of stupid, stupid exercise. Then I countered all the benefits of exercising with some french onion dip and wavy lays. I think that I am glutton for pain or punishment or something.

The food was ok, but I found it slightly disturbing when Steve was given garlic butter with his food. Garlic butter? Ok, butter I can understand - but garlic? Then I somehow knocked it over, spilling it all over the table and nicely covering my fingers (and getting it under my fingernails). Gross.

After that we went to a birthday party for one of Steve's friends. It was ok considering I knew no one, aside from Steve of course.
Saturday we went bowling. I was doing so well, and then it all ended. I suck at bowling. You would think I would be better seeing as I bowl somewhat frequently. I blame it all on the lane. That lane was warped. End of story.
Then we rented The Terminal. Not bad. That accent was crazy. How did Tom Hanks pull that off? I am impressed.
Sunday Steve made me watch football crap on tv. I would've said the day was crappy, but I found out about a grade that made me very happy. I won't lie - there may have been some skipping around the apartment.

Monday I woke up early to drive home. Boo. I made pretty good time so that was good. Although, I was rushing home for a doctor appointment, so there really was no exciting benefit to coming home at all. After the stupid appointment where I was tortured, I then subjected myself to more torture in the form of stupid, stupid exercise. Then I countered all the benefits of exercising with some french onion dip and wavy lays. I think that I am glutton for pain or punishment or something.

Shit happens.
Had a good time hangin' with ya.