Alright, time for a new entry. Sorry for all the downer entries. Let's see, Thanksgiving night I rode with Steve down to Austin.
Friday he went to the UT-A&M football game while I slept. Then we went to Chipotle. Yum, I want some more. Donations, anyone? Afterwards, we played Monopoly, which sounds lame, but it wasn't. Ok, we make it Drink/Strip-opoly. I was winning the whole time, but then I lost in the most humiliating of ways. I hate it when it gets down to the end, and you have to mortgage all of your property just to pay for that one space with a stupid hotel on it.
Saturday morning we drove back to Dallas. I felt kind of ill so I took a nap as soon as I finished going through all of my middle school yearbooks. I saw a few people from middle school at the visitation. 99.9% look the exact same as they did in middle school. That is so funny. I look the same except that my hair is darker and parted on the side instead of down the middle. Oh yeah, and the piercings, haha. Whatever. Oh yeah, and the extra 15 to 20 pounds, haha.
Friday he went to the UT-A&M football game while I slept. Then we went to Chipotle. Yum, I want some more. Donations, anyone? Afterwards, we played Monopoly, which sounds lame, but it wasn't. Ok, we make it Drink/Strip-opoly. I was winning the whole time, but then I lost in the most humiliating of ways. I hate it when it gets down to the end, and you have to mortgage all of your property just to pay for that one space with a stupid hotel on it.
Saturday morning we drove back to Dallas. I felt kind of ill so I took a nap as soon as I finished going through all of my middle school yearbooks. I saw a few people from middle school at the visitation. 99.9% look the exact same as they did in middle school. That is so funny. I look the same except that my hair is darker and parted on the side instead of down the middle. Oh yeah, and the piercings, haha. Whatever. Oh yeah, and the extra 15 to 20 pounds, haha.

Mmmmm. Chipotle. I should buy stock in the place as much as i eat there.
chipotle...never been. do they have good margaritas???? last time i played monopoly it was star wars themed..i was drunk so i think i won....i could be wrong. the time before that it got ugly and fights broke out between 3 girls and another person delcared the game heresy and set the board on fire....hmmm... i was it was all the same to me. just a little warmer. laters