So last Friday, I spent some time with my mom during the day. My dad just had surgery, and we're all kind of shaken up about it. Funny thing is, we left my dad at home, and my mom and I went out. You'd think we would be spending time with him. Oh well, he had the TV, haha. When I got home, I practiced Eddie one last time (I had been practicing all week) and then picked up AlexisNicole for Rocky auditions.
Auditions went fine. I didn't have to re-audition for Crimmie, and then I auditioned for Eddie. It was one of the last auditions so I had a lot of time to freak myself out. I think I tricked myself into being sick because I was so nervous. I've never done any theater, and I really don't like getting up in front of people. I don't know why I went out of the way to torture myself, haha. Anyways, by the time my audition rolled around, I had effectively given myself a headache, I was sweating, I was shaking, I was dying of thirst, and then I blacked out. I hardly remember my audition. I was so scared. I thought I did well though; I really do know the part.
Steve came into town, and he, AlexisNicole, and I stopped by Roger's house. The party had totally DIED before we got there. It sucked. AlexisNicole and I were looking for Roger and ended up busting in on Josh having sex with some slut. Gross. Then we busted in on him again, haha. I know, I know: immature. Well, the party was boring, and busting in on Josh was the only interesting part. Eventually we found Roger, and then HE busted in and proclaimed that Josh has AIDS. What a pal.
Saturday, Meredith came to the show. I played Crimmie: nothing new. I am unhappy with being stuck. After the show Meredith and I went to Steak N Shake right by our apartment. It was fun. I like Meredith so much; I really lucked out on finding her as a roommate.
This week I've been moping around the apartment. I've had so much crap to do for school, and I don't want to deal with any of it. I hate Intro to MIS. Oh man, what day was that? I hit my head REALLY hard on this stupid cabinet in my bathroom. It was horrible. I think it was Monday night. I don't know; the brain damage I sustained made me forget, haha. Stupid cabinet. I have learned my lesson. I fought with the cabinet, and the cabinet won.
Blah, my grandmother's funeral was Tuesday, but unforeseen problems prevented me from going. I feel weird. I don't know.
Wednesday, I watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind with Meredith. Wow, it is a great movie. I need to watch it again, though, now that I've seen the ending to repiece it all together. I'll probably watch it with Steve seeing as he wanted to watch it with me in the first place (whoops, well, Meredith was watching it and I couldn't resist...).
Today I had a lot of fun. Meredith and I went to the Galleria to get chocolate apples. Then we decided to go to Target. I managed to waste 40 odd dollars on random crap. I don't know how or why. Then we went to Central Market where we saw Josh. He didn't remember me busting in on him on Friday. Just how fucked up was he? Then we drove around some more and got lost in the ghetto. We made sure to lock the doors, haha.
We were watching the Ali G Show on DVD when our downstairs neighbors knocked on the door. Apparently one of their friends went to Rocky once, found out I also go to UTD, and told his friends (my neighbors) that he was in love with me. They were like, she lives right above us! Then he looked up at the ceiling and was like, she's up there. Wtf, creepy. That is why they came over, to tell me that. They said he was too shy to come up with them. Umm, what? I guess I'm flattered in a nervous sort of way. They invited us over, and after about 30 minutes, Meredith and I were like what the hell. We went down there only to be bombarded with the Simpsons version of Clue. I wasn't really in the mood for that. Meredith was like, our apartment is better, so we all went back upstairs.
All of us watched THE BEST PORN EVER and 1 Night in Paris. Wow, watching porn with almost complete strangers. Eh, whatever. It was so funny. They seem cool enough. I kept shamelessly promoting Rocky and listing off the October theme shows so I'm almost positive they will be there either this weekend or next.
After all of that, I checked my email and found out I will be Crimmie tomorrow for FestEvil. That's cool. I enjoy playing Crimmie, although I was hoping to branch out. I found out I did not get any shows as Eddie.
That sucks so bad. I'm stuck as Crimmie. Stuck. I want to play Crimmie, I do, it's just that I want to do something else too. I wanted to be primary Crimmie and then 2nd understudy Eddie. Knowing that I am obviously not trusted to do a character who is only in ONE SCENE really cuts down any plans I had for auditioning for bigger roles. I figured one baby step at a time, but I am still at stage one. I suppose next 8 weeks I will re-audition for Eddie. That sucks, 2 whole months before I can try to have one damn show as Eddie. Blah, stupid not taking any theater in high school. I didn't have room in my schedule. Blah.
Auditions went fine. I didn't have to re-audition for Crimmie, and then I auditioned for Eddie. It was one of the last auditions so I had a lot of time to freak myself out. I think I tricked myself into being sick because I was so nervous. I've never done any theater, and I really don't like getting up in front of people. I don't know why I went out of the way to torture myself, haha. Anyways, by the time my audition rolled around, I had effectively given myself a headache, I was sweating, I was shaking, I was dying of thirst, and then I blacked out. I hardly remember my audition. I was so scared. I thought I did well though; I really do know the part.
Steve came into town, and he, AlexisNicole, and I stopped by Roger's house. The party had totally DIED before we got there. It sucked. AlexisNicole and I were looking for Roger and ended up busting in on Josh having sex with some slut. Gross. Then we busted in on him again, haha. I know, I know: immature. Well, the party was boring, and busting in on Josh was the only interesting part. Eventually we found Roger, and then HE busted in and proclaimed that Josh has AIDS. What a pal.

Saturday, Meredith came to the show. I played Crimmie: nothing new. I am unhappy with being stuck. After the show Meredith and I went to Steak N Shake right by our apartment. It was fun. I like Meredith so much; I really lucked out on finding her as a roommate.
This week I've been moping around the apartment. I've had so much crap to do for school, and I don't want to deal with any of it. I hate Intro to MIS. Oh man, what day was that? I hit my head REALLY hard on this stupid cabinet in my bathroom. It was horrible. I think it was Monday night. I don't know; the brain damage I sustained made me forget, haha. Stupid cabinet. I have learned my lesson. I fought with the cabinet, and the cabinet won.

Blah, my grandmother's funeral was Tuesday, but unforeseen problems prevented me from going. I feel weird. I don't know.

Wednesday, I watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind with Meredith. Wow, it is a great movie. I need to watch it again, though, now that I've seen the ending to repiece it all together. I'll probably watch it with Steve seeing as he wanted to watch it with me in the first place (whoops, well, Meredith was watching it and I couldn't resist...).
Today I had a lot of fun. Meredith and I went to the Galleria to get chocolate apples. Then we decided to go to Target. I managed to waste 40 odd dollars on random crap. I don't know how or why. Then we went to Central Market where we saw Josh. He didn't remember me busting in on him on Friday. Just how fucked up was he? Then we drove around some more and got lost in the ghetto. We made sure to lock the doors, haha.
We were watching the Ali G Show on DVD when our downstairs neighbors knocked on the door. Apparently one of their friends went to Rocky once, found out I also go to UTD, and told his friends (my neighbors) that he was in love with me. They were like, she lives right above us! Then he looked up at the ceiling and was like, she's up there. Wtf, creepy. That is why they came over, to tell me that. They said he was too shy to come up with them. Umm, what? I guess I'm flattered in a nervous sort of way. They invited us over, and after about 30 minutes, Meredith and I were like what the hell. We went down there only to be bombarded with the Simpsons version of Clue. I wasn't really in the mood for that. Meredith was like, our apartment is better, so we all went back upstairs.
All of us watched THE BEST PORN EVER and 1 Night in Paris. Wow, watching porn with almost complete strangers. Eh, whatever. It was so funny. They seem cool enough. I kept shamelessly promoting Rocky and listing off the October theme shows so I'm almost positive they will be there either this weekend or next.
After all of that, I checked my email and found out I will be Crimmie tomorrow for FestEvil. That's cool. I enjoy playing Crimmie, although I was hoping to branch out. I found out I did not get any shows as Eddie.

Cherry xoxoxo
What did ur dad have surgery for? My dad is gonna have surgery for colon cancer soon...pretty scary.
Sorry to hear about ur grandma.
HOPEFULLY, once my broke ass can afford a camera, I will be putting many many pictures on this here site for all to see!! I just need to start saving...