Yeah,You remember my slut neighbor?Well I guess she fucked my other neighbors boyfriend too...and all thoes lies that she told me...She said the same thing to the other girl,word,for word...and the other night I went outside,and the cunt was out there...She was with my other neigbor...So I just came back inside to chill out...I guess as I walked back into my house that cunt called ME a bitch!!Umm Hello!!!I SHOULD be the one calling YOU a bitch!! I didnt FUCK YOUR boyfriend!!!Fucking cunt!! I'm going to move,I CANT stand living by that cunt any longer,or I'll beat the shit out of her!!(still might ) AND my other neighbor is moving because SHE too cant stand the cunt...It was Nice neighbor,and I stood by that CUNTS house,and talked shit about her,and how LOOSE she is!!ahahahhaha Oh that cunt will get hers!!oh yes. I hate it!!My hands are shakeing SO bad,because I'm so fucking pissed!!!I will kick her ass.I cant stand living by her...I always want to go up there,and kick her in the junk so bad...My neighbor already hit her!!hahha but she called the cops....
throw in a couple good licks for me...