Erik stoped by....I asked him if he had sex with her,he said yes!!!!! (a few days ago,he said no.So he lied to me again!!!) I got SO pissed,it made me sick..So I run up there to kick her ass,and I'm yelling...."I'm going to kick that fucking cunts ass!!!!" as loud as I can...I know she could hear me...Erik was trying to get me back into the house,saying lame shit..I don't really remember WHAT he was saying,but I yelled at him an ass load too...So I come back inside,I punch the first thing that I see...Now my hand is all fucked up,it got so big,and black and blue...I said .." oh shit..that should have been YOUR face!!" "Now get the FUCK out of my house!!" "How in the FUCK could you cheat on me when I'm down here,and couldnt get into my house?!?!!? On x-mas eve even!!!!...I was down here worried about you,I didnt know where you were...AND the whole time you were FUCKING SOME SLUT!!!!!!!!" I 've been SO sick of being sad,and crying...SO I just let it all out..I was fucking MAD!! I told him he hasnt seen nothin' yet...he hasnt seen me really mad....I get fucking CRAZY when I get mad...I was pretty crazy last night..Ooh man was I ever...But it gets bad ...really bad...I'm SO going to kick that cunts ass!!! She lied to me too...I told him that I'm going to kick his ass too,and that I KNOW that I could....He said he knows that I could hurt him...THAT'S FUCKING RIGHT I CAN,AND WILL!!!! NOBODY FUCKS WITH ME,AND GETS AWAY WITH IT!!!!!!!!! I told him ..she'll get hers...and YOU'LL gets yours....FUCK my hand hurts....I couldnt fight right now...fuck...BUT I WILL beat the shit out of her...oh yes... hand is REALLY fucked up...Should have been his face.. hand is REALLY fucked up...Should have been his face..
xoxo csilla