Man...Emily's life sux ass..
Everything seems to be going wrong....NOW my lip ring has to come out I'm thinking...
I guess I'll give it a few days
It doesnt hurt,but I think it's getting all fucked up...I guess I just didnt take care of it right....I don't fucking know...all that I know is...
FuCk fUcK FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FuCk fUcK FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What's up with your lip ring. I got one, Maybe i can help.
buck up little trooper. things will get better. well, i've been trying to convice myself of that for years now. i like to think that one day it will happen. probobly not the best words of encouragement. you should come visit me. i may not be the happiest person alive, but i put on a good front and i always have fun!