The girl he's with now is his fucking niece!!!WHAT THE FUCK!?!?! She's 19 I guess...He was telling me how beauitful she is,and how smart she is...blah,blah,blah...He's really fucked up.....
It sucked so bad at work last night,I couldnt stop crying...
Erik,and i were going to spend New Years Eve together,because that was the very first time that we kissed...It was 1998...So I guess not anymore...I even got that night off of work...Maybe I'll just die on new years.......
This really sux ass,I cant eat,cant sleep..I don't even want to move.....I loved him so much...
He was such an asshole when he dumped me....
But then he wanted to fucking cuddle with me!! He also said that he was gonna miss me...yeah right!! And for the last few days we wouldnt have sex..He couldnt even get it up...I feelt bad...But then last night he told me that I just don't do it for him anymore....
and I said ..and what!?!Your niece does!?!?SICK ASS FUCK!!! He gave me this nice card the day before x-mas eve...and he wrote how much he loved me,and how he could never dream of being with anybody eles...and he knows that things will work out,and shit like that....
Last night I asked him if that was all a lie....and he said yep! I asked him why the fuck he gave it to me then!?!?!?! He said "that's what girls want to hear" "and I gave you that card the DAY before I meet HER"
I told him that I hope they die!!!!!!!!
FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!!!!!I so cant deal with this...not at all...That day he told me that he loved me...
Fucking asshole.....
Him,and his brother laugh about it...Yeah I was dumped the day before,and I didnt even know it...
I asked him how could he make a date with this girl when he was with me?? He said.."We werent togeter in my mind.."
It sucked so bad at work last night,I couldnt stop crying...
Erik,and i were going to spend New Years Eve together,because that was the very first time that we kissed...It was 1998...So I guess not anymore...I even got that night off of work...Maybe I'll just die on new years.......
This really sux ass,I cant eat,cant sleep..I don't even want to move.....I loved him so much...
He was such an asshole when he dumped me....
But then he wanted to fucking cuddle with me!! He also said that he was gonna miss me...yeah right!! And for the last few days we wouldnt have sex..He couldnt even get it up...I feelt bad...But then last night he told me that I just don't do it for him anymore....
and I said ..and what!?!Your niece does!?!?SICK ASS FUCK!!! He gave me this nice card the day before x-mas eve...and he wrote how much he loved me,and how he could never dream of being with anybody eles...and he knows that things will work out,and shit like that....
Last night I asked him if that was all a lie....and he said yep! I asked him why the fuck he gave it to me then!?!?!?! He said "that's what girls want to hear" "and I gave you that card the DAY before I meet HER"
I told him that I hope they die!!!!!!!!
FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!!!!!I so cant deal with this...not at all...That day he told me that he loved me...
Fucking asshole.....
Him,and his brother laugh about it...Yeah I was dumped the day before,and I didnt even know it...
I asked him how could he make a date with this girl when he was with me?? He said.."We werent togeter in my mind.."

Maybe this will help:
"When we are strong, we are always much greater than the things that happen to us.--Thomas Merton (No Man Is an Island)
Be's the best revenge.
Good luck.