OK this sux,sux ass even!!The wind is blowing WAY too hard,trees are falling down....A tree even fell down on a house.....My internet wasnt working for a long time,and the power is about to go out,and I don't like the dark..It makes me sad...=( I'm all by myself....and I'll scream like a little girl if the power goes out...haha really...I will,I do all the time...haha? But anyways...You know when I said that I shouldnt go outside today? Well I did.......and it sucked ass...I was yelling at anybody,and everybody.....Because everybody here SUX ASS!!GRRRRRRR ASSHOLES always in my way...Yeah they just FUCKING stand there talking on thoes FUCKING cell phones!!!!!grrr Ass fucks!!! I told my mom if I had a gun....they would be dead...Yeah!AND this fucking OLD lady almost hit me with a cart....So I said WHAT THE FUCK BITCH,GET OFF ME!! My mom didnt like that too much..hahaha ...But she has no room to talk,she yelled at some lady a few days ago...It was really funny too...everyone here is so fake.....Oh man if you only knew.....I should stop now before the power goes out,That would suck,OoOOoOoOh I REALLY hate the wind.....i don't like it at all...It's creepy....eeep!!!It makes creepy sounds.....
just uesterday i saw a 90 year old man drive down the wrong side of a 4 lane dived higway through town for 3 blocks. caused 2 accidents and yelled at me when i took his liscence placte. asked me "where is the sign saying i can't drive on that side of the road" all i could say is "do you need a sign to tell you to whipe your ass?"
second suck ass thing about this hole. per capita in the world, we have the most sinlge teen mothers. the most sinlge women over 30.
the only cool thing about this place is Stage 13 and Big Valley Jamboree. a huge rock and country concerts in the summer.
now i ask ya. who should be toting the sawed off now?
SO DO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!