Life is great. Fuck the bullshit.
I'm in a really good place right now. Spring may have something to do with that, or maybe it's the yoga. Or maybe it's all the great people in my life, or the books I have been reading, or all the good food I have been eating. Or maybe it's because I have realized that life isn't perfect and that it's much more fun to watch it unfold instead of trying to pry it open. PRYING OPEN MY THIRD EYE!! It's funny, I always thought that was a metaphor until I read about the actual procedure of Tibetan monks literally forcing open the thrid eye by gouging out a little hole in the forehead. Apparently one can see the world for what it truly is, with auras and everything, but the procedure is only done to those select few who are pure enough to handle the responsibility of knowing absolute truth.
It's pretty fascinating, life. And now, back to the present. Peace.
I'm in a really good place right now. Spring may have something to do with that, or maybe it's the yoga. Or maybe it's all the great people in my life, or the books I have been reading, or all the good food I have been eating. Or maybe it's because I have realized that life isn't perfect and that it's much more fun to watch it unfold instead of trying to pry it open. PRYING OPEN MY THIRD EYE!! It's funny, I always thought that was a metaphor until I read about the actual procedure of Tibetan monks literally forcing open the thrid eye by gouging out a little hole in the forehead. Apparently one can see the world for what it truly is, with auras and everything, but the procedure is only done to those select few who are pure enough to handle the responsibility of knowing absolute truth.
It's pretty fascinating, life. And now, back to the present. Peace.

Glad you're happy, but please! No trepanation!