This cool tiger bro is in a sanctuary for guys like him that can't be released.
To be honest, I don't get that excited about my birthday. It's fun to get a little extra attention and I LOVE the gifts, but I'm excited about the gifts, not really the day. Time is an interesting way to measure things though. I look back at photos of myself ten years ago and I'm happy with the way things have gone for me physically and mostly happy with the direction my life has taken. There's always room for personal improvement and I don't think we grow as people unless we are constantly striving to be better versions of ourselves. I have taken decent care of myself. I say "decent", but when compared to the rest of the population it's more like excellent care. That considered, I'm a perfectionist so I feel more comfortable with "decent". The one thing I like most about my birthday is comparing myself to other people I know and seeing how well I have aged compared to them. It's nice to feel ahead of the game on that one. On one hand, I shake my head at how their smoking, excessive drinking, filling their bodies with poor quality foods, partying, laziness, and rapid fire reproduction since 16 has aged them. On the other hand, I tell myself not to judge too harshly. It is because of my choices, the choices I made that were best for me that I am happy. I have been selfish. I have put myself first. I am so grateful for that drive in me. I will always take care of myself first and I believe self love is a wonderful thing to have. Someone out there once said something along the lines of "you can't truly love others unless you love yourself first". I agree!
Self love, that is my gift to myself. I wish you all the same contentment I enjoy.