I can't trust anyone anymore. My life sucks, and I feel I'm losing control. My ex is moving in with her addict boyfriend, my son is a complete loser and my daughter had an alcohol relapse. I feel the world wants me to die a slow death. But honestly I'm getting tired of waiting. I see why people commit suicide now. I'm not going to but it would be so much easier. I hate dealing with all of this stress constantly. I hate having to go into a job I don't really enjoy anymore. I hate waking up every goddamn morning. I hate the sun, I hate the stars, I hate pretty things. I just want to smash everything with a fucking mace, pound everything flat, destroy everything I see. I'm tired of being th better person, assholes reap all the rewards. I just want to grab god by the throat and choke him out. Just say fuck you. I'm just tired of people.