Hi, my friends!!
I've been so busy with my cats and some other stuff.
Its winter here in Brazil and its been very cold. Whenever the strays are around, we let them in. Currently i have my two cats, Sarabi and Rajah, plus two strays that im feeding and giving shelter. With my Onlyfans and SG friends i raised enough money to pay for vet, tests, medicine and food. I could never thank enough!!
This strays are soo gorgeous! The gray one is a boy, and he is huge. No name, we call him Gatão (Big Cat). Black and white is very tiny and cute, a girl. We call her Penelope because of Pepe le Pew's girlfriend. I thought she was pregnante, but took her to vet and got her checked. No kittens, thanks god.
I'm going to get them both operated. I'm looking for a new home for them.
@lemon @mickey @rambo