boogidy boogidy boo. how is everyone? i'm doing swell. i started a new job last week. hooray! i now work part time at a VIDEOSTORE. perfect for me. i get FREE movies! yay! that's a large part of my budget usually. blockbuster rapes people. for real.
bah, the Scandanavia trip leaves Monday. I wish I was going! I don't particularly care to see those countries, but it's so fun! another year til Ireland, and another 2 years til I need to be fluent in Italian. ACK! anyone wanna be my teacher?? SOMEbody out there's gotta speak Italian!
fuck, i love johnny depp! he's the most beautiful man in history of beautiful men.
bah, the Scandanavia trip leaves Monday. I wish I was going! I don't particularly care to see those countries, but it's so fun! another year til Ireland, and another 2 years til I need to be fluent in Italian. ACK! anyone wanna be my teacher?? SOMEbody out there's gotta speak Italian!
fuck, i love johnny depp! he's the most beautiful man in history of beautiful men.
I think working at a video store would be kind of cool. That and it's not a really tough job so you can't get too stressed at work.