so...i am in quite the delima....and any advice would be appreciated...because I am quite pissed off at the moment and not quite sure what to do about it.
there are two art teachers at my school...myself and another man. We both pretty much do our own I actually teach and he pretty much just babysits...I mean his class is out of control and not doing ANYTHING...usually I just try to ignore it and let the kids from his class who want to actually work come and sit in my class (at their requests mind you)....but today...I had it as my walls began to shake ... I walked over and there were kids wrestling and throwing eachother into the wall!!!!! What the fuck is going on! ... i didn't say that but I did yell at them in my stern teacher voice.
I'm at my wits end. He doesn't follow the curriculum or any curriculum, he doesn't teach the kids anything, he does a lot with construction paper and glue...his kids and my kids are constantly either saying that they would rather be in my class than his or are glad that they are in my class. If I wouldn't ever have to deal with his kids it would be none of my buisness, but I'm the head of the department and have spent countless hours trying to rebuild the program after coming in from teachers like him. I teach the advanced classes as well as the foundation at some point I'm going to get his kids who are going to expect that art is an easy class with no meaning other than goofing off and glueing things together.
I am really pissed and at my wits end.
I don't know if I should try to talk to a principal confidentially or bring it up to him myself....(but I don't think that is a good idea because he has been more than vocal about the fact that he is just an "artist pretending to be a teacher and biding time so he can have a steady job." I do know that he transfered in and the principal did NOT want him and there and told me so.
Ugh....I hate work delimas that effect your life once you leave.
there are two art teachers at my school...myself and another man. We both pretty much do our own I actually teach and he pretty much just babysits...I mean his class is out of control and not doing ANYTHING...usually I just try to ignore it and let the kids from his class who want to actually work come and sit in my class (at their requests mind you)....but today...I had it as my walls began to shake ... I walked over and there were kids wrestling and throwing eachother into the wall!!!!! What the fuck is going on! ... i didn't say that but I did yell at them in my stern teacher voice.
I'm at my wits end. He doesn't follow the curriculum or any curriculum, he doesn't teach the kids anything, he does a lot with construction paper and glue...his kids and my kids are constantly either saying that they would rather be in my class than his or are glad that they are in my class. If I wouldn't ever have to deal with his kids it would be none of my buisness, but I'm the head of the department and have spent countless hours trying to rebuild the program after coming in from teachers like him. I teach the advanced classes as well as the foundation at some point I'm going to get his kids who are going to expect that art is an easy class with no meaning other than goofing off and glueing things together.
I am really pissed and at my wits end.
I don't know if I should try to talk to a principal confidentially or bring it up to him myself....(but I don't think that is a good idea because he has been more than vocal about the fact that he is just an "artist pretending to be a teacher and biding time so he can have a steady job." I do know that he transfered in and the principal did NOT want him and there and told me so.
Ugh....I hate work delimas that effect your life once you leave.
Since you're the dept. head then you better say something to him. If he ignores it, then go speak to the principle. Try to talk to him in a calm, rational way. Do not introduce emotion or threat. Just state the facts and let him make up his own mind. This will put you in good stead to take it up to the next level and leave him with no come back should it become a war of words with the principle as adjudcator.
yeah. what he^ said.