selling my car today... such a relief to not be tied down to that clunker anymore! as tumultuous as these past couple weeks have been, im really stoked on all the changes that are in the works. moving to florida on tuesday... this weekend will be spent packing and seeing those i will miss.
selling my car today... such a relief to not be tied down to that clunker anymore! as tumultuous as these past couple weeks have been, im really stoked on all the changes that are in the works. moving to florida on tuesday... this weekend will be spent packing and seeing those i will miss.
Cool !! just always a memorable experiences to move. I guess it has been like that for thousands of years one of the most traumatic activities a human can engage in -- to move and relocate. the best to you... BTW --- just love the set, sooo sooo cute, totally hot and soo soo sexy... MUAH !!! 

Happy to hear change is in the works and it seems good.