sorry i havent been updating very often, my access to a computer is sporadic. i made it back to phx about two weeks ago after a very lengthy bus ride. believe it or not the second bus broke down in the same town. we were stuck there 7.5 hours. im really starting to think im jinxed.. or that town was.. no more greyhound bus rides for moi. in spite of everything that went wrong and of all the delays, i made it home safe and sound and am extremely happy to be back.
my birthday was last saturday, im now a twenty-something! seeing as 20 isnt that eventful of a year and i dont have any new found priviledges, it was a pretty low key weekend. it was one of the best bday weekends i have had in a long time. which i am going to say is due mainly in part to my wonderful boyfriend
(i usually dont say much about my personal/love life on here, i like to keep certain things private, but he makes me such a happy lady i thought i would share with you all) went to yoga in the morning with his mom, then had a lazy day, watched movies, went out for vegan ice cream, then went to the pool at the hilton with some friends. sunday was pretty much the same, execpt the pool was at our place and my best friend/old roommate and i were drinking bloody marys...yummy.. then we all went to the she wants revenge show, sooo good!! then ra for dinner
im not a big party goer so it was nice to have such a laid back weekend with people who are very close and special to me.
anyways i hope everyone is doing well
my birthday was last saturday, im now a twenty-something! seeing as 20 isnt that eventful of a year and i dont have any new found priviledges, it was a pretty low key weekend. it was one of the best bday weekends i have had in a long time. which i am going to say is due mainly in part to my wonderful boyfriend

anyways i hope everyone is doing well

what does that mean?
No problem. Hope it was an awesome day.