argh i hate being sick :/ it always comes on so suddenly and then im confined to my bed for the better part of my recovery... luckily i am already on the mend
i got another tattoo yesterday
im pretty stoked on it
new set shot with the wonderful miss lorelei should be going up in the next couple months, definitely an improvement from the last! allissa brunelli is coming out sometime in april and i am absolutely thrilled to work with her for the first time.
other than that nothing too exciting has been going on as of late. work and whatnot.. attempting to maintain a social life... lots of talk about starting a veggie garden in the backyard as well as a compost box (we have a small pile already but i would like to build a structure for it) but we'll see if that actually comes about. my roommate went vegetarian as of the first of this year, and my other roommate is experimenting with veganism
i would like to think i had something to do with their dietary choices... at least a positive influence? maybe just wishful thinking...
my mom bought me new tires for my car, they were all bald yikes! it was a very nice surprise
hope all is well with everyone
i got another tattoo yesterday

new set shot with the wonderful miss lorelei should be going up in the next couple months, definitely an improvement from the last! allissa brunelli is coming out sometime in april and i am absolutely thrilled to work with her for the first time.
other than that nothing too exciting has been going on as of late. work and whatnot.. attempting to maintain a social life... lots of talk about starting a veggie garden in the backyard as well as a compost box (we have a small pile already but i would like to build a structure for it) but we'll see if that actually comes about. my roommate went vegetarian as of the first of this year, and my other roommate is experimenting with veganism

my mom bought me new tires for my car, they were all bald yikes! it was a very nice surprise
hope all is well with everyone

Go for the veggie garden. They are fun and very rewarding!
BTW, there's nothing so wonderful as your own veggies and herbs. I don't have a yard -- just a balcony -- but I had it covered with containers this summer. I love gardening.