the holidays are upon us.. frankly i feel like a bit of a scrooge.. im not a very family oriented person, but luckily i got that out of the way today. went out to dinner with my dad, aunt, uncle, cousin and grandpa (my extended family all lives out of town) and opened presents. at times i feel ungrateful, its not that i dont appreciate that they are doing something nice for me, the attempt is always appreciated. mostly i just feel at odds with my family, like they just dont "get it" wow i sound super cliche haha but im sure most people have felt that way at one time or another. our lifestyles differ greatly and its hard to relate sometimes.. they are so focused on material possessions that i dont need or want. its frustrating to have to say thanks dad for the new stereo! when im really thinking, i already have a stereo, as does my roommate... why would you spend so much of your money on something that i dont need? its just unnecessary, i cant tell you how many double sets of things i have given away because i simply have no use for them.. argh i hate sounding like whiny brat.. i just needed to vent for a bit.. years of pent up family frustration.. it goes way beyond that haha
anyways, i hope everyone is doing well! my friend and i will hopefully making a trip up to flag soon, i cant wait to have an other-worldly experience in the snow
in other news.. i have been hiking a lot recently with said friend.. and getting back into yoga, i feel so much better when im leading a more active lifestyle. i have taken out 3 of my piercings as well.. they were giving me troubles (nape after 1.5 years and nipples after 3)
anyways, i hope everyone is doing well! my friend and i will hopefully making a trip up to flag soon, i cant wait to have an other-worldly experience in the snow

in other news.. i have been hiking a lot recently with said friend.. and getting back into yoga, i feel so much better when im leading a more active lifestyle. i have taken out 3 of my piercings as well.. they were giving me troubles (nape after 1.5 years and nipples after 3)

i looooove you missy! come to first fridays tonight 

Back to say i love you some moar