Today was not so fun....
So my cat wakes me up at the crack of dawn screaming her head off. In my groggy-just-jumped-out-of-bed state I thought her and my roommate's cat were killing each other. I've never heard such an awful noise come out of her
When I ran into the bathroom where the screeching was coming from she was HANGING from the window! (we have a cat door in the window so they can go outside into the cat house... hahah I know right?) Her paw was wedged in between the sill and the hard-plastic swinging door! I felt terrible for the poor thing! And to make matters worse my roommate tried to yank her free so she proceeded to maul my roommate...even worse she wouldnt let anyone come near her because she was so frightened/in pain. I finally freed her by using the roomie's gutar to ram down the door hahaha CRAZY! After all was said and done both where fine, only suffering slight battle wounds. 
We had a staff meeting at 8am
3 of my clients didnt show up...
Both my roomie and I are sick
So my cat wakes me up at the crack of dawn screaming her head off. In my groggy-just-jumped-out-of-bed state I thought her and my roommate's cat were killing each other. I've never heard such an awful noise come out of her

We had a staff meeting at 8am

3 of my clients didnt show up...
Both my roomie and I are sick

that episode was scary! My cat is a deamon, one of these days, the same happen to me.