Well, I've had a pretty good day, work sucked of course, but when does work not suck. After work I went and saw The omen with some of my people, It was alright, not really what i was expecting it to be but not bad at all. then later on I went with my best fuckin friend ever and saw the amazing johnathon. That Guy says fuck more than he does anything else. It was pretty funny though, He stapled some playing cards to his assistants eyes, taped a blind fold to her head and stabbed her in the head with scissors, it was funny as hell. not the fact that he was so mean to her, but the way they both played it out was hilarious. after that we went and got drunk at jeff and leann's house. and I just got home a little bit ago. I freakin love my friends, theyre the coolest bunch of people ive ever know in my life, and i wouldnt trade them for anything.oh yeah i almost forgot, were takin a road trip to arizona in july to see chiodos.
Actually no. Lunchbox..is my personal nickname for my boy sunkid97...its a j and silent bob thing..