so, I dont reaaly write in this thing very much. I saw tool on friday, fuckin awesome. my friend pat said it best when he said that goin to see tool is like going to church. they played opiate, which was fuckin amazing. I just love the way the music comes over you and consumes you. Well thats my two cents for today.
Well, tonight was extremely interesting. I was actually planning on goin to hang out with my friend davey. so I walk to the place where I parked my truck, and it is nowhere in fuckin sight . So, I was like holy shit where did it go? it fuckin got stolen, holy shit, my truck got stolen. well damn does this suck. so I go...
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Read More sucks really bad. all Ive done today is sit on effin myspace and clean the house. I need to find somethin to do tonight or i am gonna die of boredom.
I think maybe Ill try to quit smoking, that shit is hard, but its pretty hot outside, so i dont want to go out there, but writing about it just makes me want...
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I think maybe Ill try to quit smoking, that shit is hard, but its pretty hot outside, so i dont want to go out there, but writing about it just makes me want...
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Well, I posted a couple of my sketches that I'm working on. none of them are finished, which seems to be the case with a lot of the things I start. I always get new ideas and the old ones never get finished. the pictures are pretty crappy in quality, itll be better when i get some scans. Anyways, I dont consider myself awesome but...
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I like #4 the best, like some crazy dali lookin shit.

Pics from my camera phone!
Well, I've had a pretty good day, work sucked of course, but when does work not suck. After work I went and saw The omen with some of my people, It was alright, not really what i was expecting it to be but not bad at all. then later on I went with my best fuckin friend ever and saw the amazing johnathon. That Guy...
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Dude, I've been wantin to join for a long ass time, so i did it.
umm yeah, I look pretty dorky in this pic. if youre reading this, you should take a minute to go look at my myspace profile, youll get a better idea of what im about.
umm yeah, I look pretty dorky in this pic. if youre reading this, you should take a minute to go look at my myspace profile, youll get a better idea of what im about.