well tonight is my last night home for awhile. i leave for school around 7 tomorrow morning. it will be good to get away from here but people will be missed. i have met alot of new friends this summer. Rachel, Shay, Lyndsy, Kayce, Craig, Jason, Brad, Ed. one person i met in the past 2 weeks has made those last weeks here more enjoyable than i hoped they could ever be. it just sucks i didnt meet her sooner and made the entire summer more enjoyable. thank you Cheryl i will miss you alot.
i really hope this school year will turn out good. i hope i meet alot of new friends, and don't lose any old ones along the way.
my cell phone broke a couple days ago. but i took it in and they gace me a new one
. yay it vibrates again ^_^. i also have a better backround, and a cooler ring tone. "i disappear, i lost control, my bodies moving, on its on" hehe.
heres to another year of school.
and here is to all my friends
i really hope this school year will turn out good. i hope i meet alot of new friends, and don't lose any old ones along the way.
my cell phone broke a couple days ago. but i took it in and they gace me a new one

heres to another year of school.
and here is to all my friends
nice to meet you, fellow ghostie.