Well, it has been sometime since I have last giving this thing the attention it needs. I believe last time I was on I spoke of the new cable modem. Since then, much music has been acquired a few movies as well.
But anyways, July 5th I went out to Wisconsin to visit Nathan. All in all this was a great trip. Sometimes I just need to get away for a little bit. Well anyways, I left around 8:30 Monday morning from Detroit. I took greyhound there, and I arrived in Madison around 6:30 (after changing busses in Toledo and Chicago) on the bus we stopped in Indiana at a rest place to eat. I saw a one beautiful Lacey working
. It was nice seeing someone from high school. Back to the trip, Nathans girl friend Ashley picked me up in Madison, and then we went back to her house. Nathan didnt even know I was coming yet. (It was a b-day surprise) It was planned for me to surprise him when he got home from work the next day. But that night Ashley was talking to him and he was depressed that none of his friends ever call him, so she gave the phone to me. I said hi, and imp guessing he was surprised. He called me an ass a few times. In the morning we went over to his apartment. He had to go to work, so I just went back to sleep on his bed. It was nice. Around noon Ashley picked me up to go to get lunch and bring it to Nathan. He then found out he could leave early so we could hang out. The rest of the week involved too much smoking, and good times. We went down to Nathans moms on Sunday. We passed through Lena, (the town I lived in before moving out to Michigan). There are so many memories I have there. Most of them seemed to flood back. We stopped at Sean Smiths house on the way, but he wasnt home. We talked to his mom a bit. Then we went on to Nathans moms. There we hung out with Jimmy (Nathans brother). We took a little trip out on the lake. I was ridding a large hot dog. Heh. That night I just stayed up all night because my bus home left at 5:30am. So I did that and got home around 7:30 pm.
There was someone I would have liked to see again from my last visit...but she moved to Madison and had a b/f...o well I guess. Nathan and I talked a lot about old times and old memories. I think because of this trip, I am now a smoker...heh. Part of me didnt want to leave. I just hope that our friendship never ends.
Most of last week I worked. Well basically all last week. Friday I went and saw Charlie and the Chocolate factory by myself. It was a great movie. After the movie I had Brooke dye my hair...finally. I didnt get the black tips put in though, and I would like to get a toner to make my hair whiter then yellow. By the time that was finished it was 11:30. So I thought I might as well go to Meijer and buy Harry Potter ^_^. I didnt get home from that until 12:30. I was scheduled to work at 7 the next morning, so I went to bed. I woke up around 5:30 (yes I know like 5 hours) and knew I was to tired to work and I knew what else I was doing that day so I called in. the night manager told me I could get fired for absenteeism blah blah blah. Then I went back to bed and woke up around 11. Then of course, I started to read Harry potter. I read that for a bit, and then took a shower. I got to around chapter 12. At 3 I left for Adrian to see Daltons play. Pretty much every road I took there had construction. So I didnt get there until around 5:30-6:00. I bought a ticket for his play, and then we went to eat at Big Boys. He had to be back there at 7 to get ready, so I had to wait till 7:30 to be seated. I had a pretty decent seat, front row balcony all the way on one side. I could see everything. It was a good play from what I saw. I had to leave at intermission (around 9:30) because I was going to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with Jennifer. Basically...that went all right. I was hopping for more to happen between me and her, but nothing did.
. I am guessing Im finally accepting that nothing ever will happen again. She doesnt seem to show any interest at all. I tried to get her to cuddle, but she just looked at me. The movie got done around midnight. And by then it was raining, and I still had to drive home. I said by to Jennifer (with no hug...I didnt feel like putting any effort out for one if she wasnt) then started to drive. I ended up turning down the wrong road and got completely lost for around an hour. I was finally able to find the road I needed by calling tom around 1. Heh thanks tom. Then I stopped at a gas station and bought a pack of much needed cigs. Ive only had 3 from that so far. I didnt get home until around 2:30am. Then I went to bed because I had to work at 10. So I did all that and went to work. Got home from that at 6 and started reading Harry Potter again. It really is a great book. I finished it that night.
Today has been my first day off since I got back (besides the day I called in sick) and all I have done today is slept...heh. Then back to work tomorrow.
There is this girl at work that I think is cute. I first saw her last week while I was on my lunch. She works in the pharmacy. I have no idea of knowing how old she is though. And I am to shy to talk to her
. I have tried giving my friend Ed my number to give to her, but he said thats too weird. He talked to her and said her name is Jennie, and told me she is easy to talk to so I should just do it. I wish it was that easy. I really dont think I have a chance anyways because I think she is older than me (a lot of girls dont like younger guys) and Im only going to be her for a month longer. I kind of just wish she would talk to me.
Also Nathan informed me that he wants me to move to Seattle with him, and transfer to AIS (Art Institute of Seattle) I looked at the school, and seems like a really good idea. Its been my dream for some time now to move to Seattle. And this may be my chance to do so. I would be staying at Ferris for one more year, but if I can get in there, I think I am going to do it. It seems that tom feels the same about this. (I showed him the website) it would be a awesome chance to start new, meet new people, and live in a town that Ive dreamed of living in. going to school there would also make it easier for me to find a job out there. The only downfall of doing this is the people I will leave behind. There are a few people that I may never see again, and the ones I do get to see I wont see that often. I guess I can be thankful that if I do this, 2 of my best friends will be there with me. I guess its also hard for me to make this big of a decision about my future. I am almost positive that if I do move out there, that I will never move back to this state, at least any time in the near future. I know that if I do this, I will truly be on my own. I wouldnt be coming home for the summers when school was not in session. Seattle would be my new home.
Well I think that says basically all that I wanted to say. If there is anything that you, the reader would like to know, just ask me.
But anyways, July 5th I went out to Wisconsin to visit Nathan. All in all this was a great trip. Sometimes I just need to get away for a little bit. Well anyways, I left around 8:30 Monday morning from Detroit. I took greyhound there, and I arrived in Madison around 6:30 (after changing busses in Toledo and Chicago) on the bus we stopped in Indiana at a rest place to eat. I saw a one beautiful Lacey working

There was someone I would have liked to see again from my last visit...but she moved to Madison and had a b/f...o well I guess. Nathan and I talked a lot about old times and old memories. I think because of this trip, I am now a smoker...heh. Part of me didnt want to leave. I just hope that our friendship never ends.
Most of last week I worked. Well basically all last week. Friday I went and saw Charlie and the Chocolate factory by myself. It was a great movie. After the movie I had Brooke dye my hair...finally. I didnt get the black tips put in though, and I would like to get a toner to make my hair whiter then yellow. By the time that was finished it was 11:30. So I thought I might as well go to Meijer and buy Harry Potter ^_^. I didnt get home from that until 12:30. I was scheduled to work at 7 the next morning, so I went to bed. I woke up around 5:30 (yes I know like 5 hours) and knew I was to tired to work and I knew what else I was doing that day so I called in. the night manager told me I could get fired for absenteeism blah blah blah. Then I went back to bed and woke up around 11. Then of course, I started to read Harry potter. I read that for a bit, and then took a shower. I got to around chapter 12. At 3 I left for Adrian to see Daltons play. Pretty much every road I took there had construction. So I didnt get there until around 5:30-6:00. I bought a ticket for his play, and then we went to eat at Big Boys. He had to be back there at 7 to get ready, so I had to wait till 7:30 to be seated. I had a pretty decent seat, front row balcony all the way on one side. I could see everything. It was a good play from what I saw. I had to leave at intermission (around 9:30) because I was going to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with Jennifer. Basically...that went all right. I was hopping for more to happen between me and her, but nothing did.

Today has been my first day off since I got back (besides the day I called in sick) and all I have done today is slept...heh. Then back to work tomorrow.
There is this girl at work that I think is cute. I first saw her last week while I was on my lunch. She works in the pharmacy. I have no idea of knowing how old she is though. And I am to shy to talk to her

Also Nathan informed me that he wants me to move to Seattle with him, and transfer to AIS (Art Institute of Seattle) I looked at the school, and seems like a really good idea. Its been my dream for some time now to move to Seattle. And this may be my chance to do so. I would be staying at Ferris for one more year, but if I can get in there, I think I am going to do it. It seems that tom feels the same about this. (I showed him the website) it would be a awesome chance to start new, meet new people, and live in a town that Ive dreamed of living in. going to school there would also make it easier for me to find a job out there. The only downfall of doing this is the people I will leave behind. There are a few people that I may never see again, and the ones I do get to see I wont see that often. I guess I can be thankful that if I do this, 2 of my best friends will be there with me. I guess its also hard for me to make this big of a decision about my future. I am almost positive that if I do move out there, that I will never move back to this state, at least any time in the near future. I know that if I do this, I will truly be on my own. I wouldnt be coming home for the summers when school was not in session. Seattle would be my new home.
Well I think that says basically all that I wanted to say. If there is anything that you, the reader would like to know, just ask me.
Aww just talk to the girl, it wouldn't hurt to try. I know getting a friend to talk to her is awkward people have done it to me before. Goodluck!