Hi All, I trust you had a wonderful Christmas new year.
P.S. sorry, am adding this as a PS but have decided to put it up the top. This probably won't apply to anyone actually reading this blog, but I'll feel better mentioning it. Like a few of my friends on here I am getting a hell of a lot of friend requests from people who don't even send a single line message to say hello. Now, i know that a large element of this site is sex/porn inspired, albeit an alternative style. And i think that's great. I for one LOVE checking out the girls. And I know some people feel they need to be truly 'friends' with someone before they add them. I don't think that, but it seems a bit odd to me that people want to add friends and not even be interested, or polite I guess, enough, to say hi. I don't want much. And even if it's just an honest 'saw you in 'blank' group, and want to stare at your pics, that's fine, or a simple hello on the blog.
In short I've now decided to just let those who don't even say hello sit and simmer. And I think I'll be going through my friends and deleting a few who never said hello. So please, if you would like to say hello do. I respond to all messages and love reading your blogs. otherwise i will keep all of my friends up to date on my silent friend request waiting line, which is currently at 40 Kthx bai xxx. back to the blog.
I had an amazing time and feel I'm ready for the rigours of the new year. Had Christmas in France. Wonderful food and beautiful scenery. Christmas day we climbed to an abandoned medieval monastery and had some wonderful cheese wine and pastries
Afetr France i returned to London and did some more sightseeing, before catching up with friends for new years. This is the wonderful ravenscarr who helped me bring in the new year in an appropriately obscene manner.
And here is me, marking my territory
And finally me bringing in the new year
P.S. sorry, am adding this as a PS but have decided to put it up the top. This probably won't apply to anyone actually reading this blog, but I'll feel better mentioning it. Like a few of my friends on here I am getting a hell of a lot of friend requests from people who don't even send a single line message to say hello. Now, i know that a large element of this site is sex/porn inspired, albeit an alternative style. And i think that's great. I for one LOVE checking out the girls. And I know some people feel they need to be truly 'friends' with someone before they add them. I don't think that, but it seems a bit odd to me that people want to add friends and not even be interested, or polite I guess, enough, to say hi. I don't want much. And even if it's just an honest 'saw you in 'blank' group, and want to stare at your pics, that's fine, or a simple hello on the blog.
In short I've now decided to just let those who don't even say hello sit and simmer. And I think I'll be going through my friends and deleting a few who never said hello. So please, if you would like to say hello do. I respond to all messages and love reading your blogs. otherwise i will keep all of my friends up to date on my silent friend request waiting line, which is currently at 40 Kthx bai xxx. back to the blog.
I had an amazing time and feel I'm ready for the rigours of the new year. Had Christmas in France. Wonderful food and beautiful scenery. Christmas day we climbed to an abandoned medieval monastery and had some wonderful cheese wine and pastries

Afetr France i returned to London and did some more sightseeing, before catching up with friends for new years. This is the wonderful ravenscarr who helped me bring in the new year in an appropriately obscene manner.

And here is me, marking my territory

And finally me bringing in the new year

Hum.... I haven't thought about the modifications I would make. 2 more arms might be helpful, but too creepy. Maybe different types of tribal tattoos that change colors with my moods and flash or pulsate. Sex would be a light show!
Then there is always wings or horns. How about 2 small horns in my hair line that I could shed like a deer. So many choices! I'll have to think about more and get back to you. Happy New Year Beautiful!