Most perfect gift i have ever received. 100% would be my three children.
They are the best gift i could ever ask for, i had my 1st at 21 years old and he made me such a better person.
Before falling pregnant i was going down a veey bad and dark route, maybe one day i will open up about it but for now i won't. He stopped me from doing many silly things, it is amazing how those two little lines change everything.
After having my first we then went on to have a further two.
They are my everything
@penny @missy @lemon @sean
Old photo of my March 2012. Age 21.
I think my four kids made me a better person too. Used to be a selfish, jerky shit most of my life but that changed a lot when my first one was born in 2009. Cheers to parenthood.
Aw @bleakronin that is wonderful. I think we all have a time of selfishness tbh