Oh, hai. It's been awhile since I've updated on here. Awhile as in...8 months or so. I've sorta been in a funk regarding anything SG related.
A few months back I started writing this epic journal entry complete with accompanying photos...but that was taking too long so I've sorta been avoiding updating ever since. Instead, I'll cut it short by saying that life has been reasonably good and I can't complain about much.
One thing I will say is that I did get two more kitties since the passing of Madison. I have his ashes in a wood box on my living room end table, with a photo album of him next to it so I can flip through and remember him. I like to think of Madison as a sort of late grandfather to the kittens, even though they aren't related in the slightest. I'll have to post pictures of the kittens at some point.
Well, that's all for now. I am alive. Also, thank you for the birthday wishes. I am now old enough to rent a car and therefore have nothing else age-related to look forward to. Well, except my senior citizen discount someday.
EDIT: After the frustration with the boy's Starcraft playing has warn off, I've realized it's not a nice thing to openly express personal dissatisfaction with him on a public website. So I removed the first two paragraphs of this. It's not fair for me to paint such a negative picture of him just because of one isolated incident...he is a really great guy and very near perfect in every way, just once in awhile he has some moments that make me scratch my head. I got caught up in my frustration and acted immaturely. I am sorry.
A few months back I started writing this epic journal entry complete with accompanying photos...but that was taking too long so I've sorta been avoiding updating ever since. Instead, I'll cut it short by saying that life has been reasonably good and I can't complain about much.
One thing I will say is that I did get two more kitties since the passing of Madison. I have his ashes in a wood box on my living room end table, with a photo album of him next to it so I can flip through and remember him. I like to think of Madison as a sort of late grandfather to the kittens, even though they aren't related in the slightest. I'll have to post pictures of the kittens at some point.
Well, that's all for now. I am alive. Also, thank you for the birthday wishes. I am now old enough to rent a car and therefore have nothing else age-related to look forward to. Well, except my senior citizen discount someday.
EDIT: After the frustration with the boy's Starcraft playing has warn off, I've realized it's not a nice thing to openly express personal dissatisfaction with him on a public website. So I removed the first two paragraphs of this. It's not fair for me to paint such a negative picture of him just because of one isolated incident...he is a really great guy and very near perfect in every way, just once in awhile he has some moments that make me scratch my head. I got caught up in my frustration and acted immaturely. I am sorry.
i think the beta is done anyway.... 

Glad to see you updating again...Any New Photo sets in the near future?? I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say WE MISS YOU!!!!