Thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday, your comments made me smile.
The birthday went well, Fogo De Chao was a really neat place with endless wine racks stacked on the walls, and the meat was delicious. The host/hostess gives you these little cards that are red on one side and green on the other, and when you want servers to come around with meat you just flip the card over to green. It was pretty amazing...I think they had like 15 different types of meat they brought around, sadly I was only able to eat a few of them due to a small appetite.
Later, my friend Mandie gave me my own miniature birthday cake with I ended up eating with my face because A) It was small enough and B) I was too lazy to ask her where the forks were.
The day after my birthday, a package came in the mail and I got the two best birthday presents EVER from none other than Steve. I got a training DVD on ZBrush (a 3D program I've been dying to learn) and a book on facial modeling for characters so that when they talk, the movements look realistic. Very valuable information for a 3D modeler. I jumped up and down like a giddy school girl. Thank you Stteeeeeeeve!
I didn't get any items from my hot topic wishlist but a few very generous people did offer....sadly for me I didn't realize that I'd have to give out my personal address to receive said items so....thanks to those of you that offered and the thought means a lot to me
Oh! I have two new sets that I'm waiting to be approved...can you HANDLE THE EXCITEMENT? Are your brains overloaded with frothy joyousness?! Are your loins tingling with a sensation similar to that of your teeth as they sink into the chocolately, minty goodness of a peppermint patty?!?!
...Does anyone remember those commercials? My favorite is the one with the old guy who says, "When I bite into a York peppermint patty I get the sensation that....well, I'm just glad I get a sensation!" Classic.
Oh...I saw Spiderman 3 Friday but it's really not worth writing about. In my humble was a piece of trash and a mockery of the first two movies. I won't go into anymore detail. But for those who haven't yet wasted their money on tickets, don't see it, or wait for it to come out on video and rent it. Bahhh. So much disappointment. People were actually walking out of the theatre before the movie was over. Sorry Steve, I know you claim it was an "okay ending" for the trilogy but they could have done so much better.
The birthday went well, Fogo De Chao was a really neat place with endless wine racks stacked on the walls, and the meat was delicious. The host/hostess gives you these little cards that are red on one side and green on the other, and when you want servers to come around with meat you just flip the card over to green. It was pretty amazing...I think they had like 15 different types of meat they brought around, sadly I was only able to eat a few of them due to a small appetite.

Later, my friend Mandie gave me my own miniature birthday cake with I ended up eating with my face because A) It was small enough and B) I was too lazy to ask her where the forks were.
The day after my birthday, a package came in the mail and I got the two best birthday presents EVER from none other than Steve. I got a training DVD on ZBrush (a 3D program I've been dying to learn) and a book on facial modeling for characters so that when they talk, the movements look realistic. Very valuable information for a 3D modeler. I jumped up and down like a giddy school girl. Thank you Stteeeeeeeve!
I didn't get any items from my hot topic wishlist but a few very generous people did offer....sadly for me I didn't realize that I'd have to give out my personal address to receive said items so....thanks to those of you that offered and the thought means a lot to me

Oh! I have two new sets that I'm waiting to be approved...can you HANDLE THE EXCITEMENT? Are your brains overloaded with frothy joyousness?! Are your loins tingling with a sensation similar to that of your teeth as they sink into the chocolately, minty goodness of a peppermint patty?!?!
...Does anyone remember those commercials? My favorite is the one with the old guy who says, "When I bite into a York peppermint patty I get the sensation that....well, I'm just glad I get a sensation!" Classic.
Oh...I saw Spiderman 3 Friday but it's really not worth writing about. In my humble was a piece of trash and a mockery of the first two movies. I won't go into anymore detail. But for those who haven't yet wasted their money on tickets, don't see it, or wait for it to come out on video and rent it. Bahhh. So much disappointment. People were actually walking out of the theatre before the movie was over. Sorry Steve, I know you claim it was an "okay ending" for the trilogy but they could have done so much better.
and i actually thought spiderman was halfway decent (despite emo peter...and saturday night fever peter...umm.)