Sorry it's late this week, I got side tracked (as usual).
In other news, my best friends Jeff and Kelly (otherwise known as Jelly) got married on the 19th. Fun was had by all. We even got to use sparklers to light shit on fire. Fires at weddings are always cool. I may try to post pictures, but those of you who've been following my journal entries for awhile know that that probably won't happen any time soon. I'm glad they finally tied the knot though, I know they'd been planning it for awhile. My wedding gift to them was a book entitled "The Best Sex Positions Ever!". Hopefully they will get good use out of it, or at the most, a good laugh. Some of the names they come up with for various sexual positions that I've never heard of...they're just so funny.
Today my boss and the assistant manager from the Cage called me up and invited me to Oscars (a bar) for a Cage celebration of sorts. As it turns out, none of the other workers they called except for me showed up. So, it was just Sara (the boss), Jason (the ASS. MAN.), Steve and myself. That's one big reason why I don't want to quit my job even though it pays jack shit (a whopping $5.25 an hour, is that LESS than minimum wage in PA?), the people I work with are so chill and fun to be around. I seriously doubt my boss(es) will be so cool in future jobs I'll have so I want to take advantage of it now before the "real world" gives me a swift kick in the ass. Honestly, drinking with Sara today made it feel like she was just a good friend and not some "higher up" that tells me what to do. It was just awesome being in that sort of setting with her. It was also fun watching her get smashed. She started talking about how listening to certain David Bowie songs can give her an orgasm. Wow. Just wow. And she wants me to dye her hair purple for her. I just hope I don't screw it up and get fired for it. I doubt I'll get fired any time soon, though. I'm the only one who's not on her shit list right now.
School is kind of intersting. One week I'll have a bit of free time and other weeks I will be pulling my hair out from all the stress. I wish it would remain at a constant pace from week to week. On a lighter note, though, I've been playing FFVII in my spare time. I think I'm almost half way done with it, I finished disc 1 (finally!). So far it's pretty interesting but it's not what I expected it to be. I can't wait to see how it ends. I really hope Cloud and Tifa hook up. I'm sure they won't, though, because that wouldn't be dramatic enough. (Yeah, I'm a girl and I like love stories and crap, what can I say?)
And now I must drift into slumber. Goodnight.
Your cartoons fucking crack me up. I love twisted chicks.
Wait until you get to FFVIII...that's a good love story too!

That cartoon frightens me.