since i'm here i often came around girls that think their natural breasts are not beautiful ("saggy breasts" is such a bad word for such a good thing).
and this mindset really hurts me. because i dont think so. and the internet and this community learned me that i'm not the only one. please girls, stop thinking in categories like "how it should be" or...
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Live is unfair... as soon as you get over that fact you're up for a good time. Chances are high that in 200 years no one knows anything about your live, how it went, and what kind of person you were. So get out and make every day count. For you (and if you are in love, than of course making the ones you love...
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i wish all of you a happy new year... here in this community there's nothing to wish for because our suicide girls are doing an AWESOME job. so... thank you for all the great work you are doing girls, and keep it up - YOU'LL ROCK 2017 <3
yesterday i had a funny conversation with a friend of mine (she's 27)... talking bout sexual attraction she was like "my boobs are starting to sag, i now have to go silicon"... and i was like NO! DONT DO THAT FOR HEAVEN SAKE... I'm so desperate... because there are so many men who LOVE natural breasts... and i dont now why women always think they...
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sometimes i wonder why people are so depressed, and keep absorbing it to their environment. I mean like the supermarket cashier girl today. she's so unhappy with her life it seems that she cant avoid being unkind and rude - even if we share only a few seconds... and i dont get it because how to break out of that wheel.... If she could once...
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In my job I often meet girls that I`d love to say "hey... you would be a perfectly suicide girl - check out this awesome community..." but then again... I don't know how to say... Also SG is pretty unknown over here...