My trip to Egypt
Hello dear friends
This is going to take several blogs because I was in many parts of the country.
We start with Cairo, what a CITY! Incredible! It's very bustling, people, cars!
Something curious is that there are no traffic lights. Crossing the street is quite an adventure.
Their religion is mainly Muslim.
Every day the horns of the mosques sound, there are 3 daily prayers.
You can hear it from everywhere, the first prayer starts at approximately 6 am.
Every day he lifted us up in prayer 🤲
The buildings are brown due to sand storms.
We went in the winter, the temperatures range from 25 degrees to 15 degrees.
Very very few times a year it rains, in fact we saw rain. It was 5 seconds.
We were in 2 museums, The Grand Cairo Museum and The Museum of Civilization.
In the Cairo Museum are the relics of Tutankhamun. You cannot take photos because you need special permission.
But WOW WOW it is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life.
Pieces made of pure GOLD with precious inlays.
Curious fact in ancient Egypt Gold
It was cheap, everyone had it.
If you had money you were a rich person but if you had WOOD you were a millionaire!
Since there are no trees in the desert.
We were in a market that was crazy! The cars passed very close, that market was very dense.
I leave you a pair of photos !
The Museum of Civilization.
The Grand Cairo Museum
The city