- When i call my cat i sign song with his name. For example the game of thrones song
- I am self taught, i know to do a lots of things
- i love make handmade stuff
- When I was the main voice choir for 3 years until i leave the choir
- I played the violin
- I don't have a favorite animal, all the animals are my favorite
- My deer tattoo have a name, His name is Pepe and he is real. Is my aunt deer head that when i was little i spoke to Pepe a lot.
- I used to bribe my sisters with candys
- Normaly the people think that i have 18 year old.. I have 22, i think that is good hahaha for ever young hahah
- I don't know anyone that have my name, my real name.
Tell me a fact about you.
I wish to have more to say but i have to study a lot. In two weeks i have 3 exams :(