A dear friend of mine fell by the wayside to heavy drugs. He has been living in tents and tent cities for about two years now. None of us, his closest friends who are like family, could get him to enter into conversations or say anything about what was going on in his life.
I spent the last year or so of my life in my own hell and moved back West to where he and my last connections in The States are. I told him by Facebook messenger over a few days some examples of what I we not through in NYC,NJ and America's other fine destinations. It was enough to make him feel he was not being singled out or criticized; we ended up having a conversation for over two hours. We even discussed meeting up soon and getting a phone so we can stay in touch. I have known him for 18 years in March and even strung out my friend will not steal..he was a top tier escort. 'Nuff said.
So by living a shit life I chose by doing the right thing I was able to get my long lost... or so we thought...friend back from oblivion. I got flowers and vegetables for dealing with the shit hand life gave me.