I am in a funky situation where my neurological illnesses ate up my financial aid here in the Us on my Bachelors of Arts Degree. I have decided that I want to do rural medicine but the financial aid situation in the Us is so fucked! that they will not let me go back to school for premed and Med school. I don't want to waste the four plus years it would take to get state residency in Washington, pay debts and the additional 2 years of school I could be focusing on another specialty rotation in medicine. I want to do internal medicine, psychiatry and neurology. So I would be in Med school just as long as if I took it in the US but I would finish up with three specialty areas...not just one.
My intent is to attend Central American Health Sciences University Belize. I already have a physician reccomendation from an Mayo Clinic psychiatrist. Their admission requirements are ideal to my situation and my aims in medicine. I will practice in the Caribbean and Central America during the rainy part of the year in the Pacific Northwest serving the Native Tibal and rural communitied and then rotate when the rain dries up in Central America.
I will carry dual citizenship as I speak Spanish fluently even though English is the language of Belize. However, since I am Rom, my skin turns brown and my hair gets toehead. I keep it Burgundy when I bother with it..An American passport in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong people can make you a desaparecida. No gracias. Será Beliziana.
I discovered sailing lessons are pretty cheap. I grew up from age 2 on the water and was navigating from age 6. Translation: too smart for my own damn good. More like smart ass. As a kid we spent 2days a week and 2-3 weeks vacation on the boat at a time 9months out of the year. I am looking to learn to sail as we had powerboats,and I am no mechanic (there is always wind and my kinky ass knows rope, knots and hardware no problem 😀) and then like a snail I will sail Gitana del Mar from Belize to Seattle every year and points in between.
I have never really been about money. As long as I have my little creature comforts and I love what I do...life is good.