today i hung out in belleville with my exboyfriend, its always so refreshing to hang out with him because he holds me in such a high regard, he thinks i'm the smartest girl in the world because i know who otep are and i knew about captain underwear and his sillypants... that's nice to me... i like feeling smart.
its so weird at my school now because everyone knows everything about everything or at least claims to, so it takes away from the fun of telling someone something new that they may not know about, i really like to do that, as i'm sure most people do.
but i also like to be intellectually challenged which was a huge part of the problem between me and this fellow...
so it goes.
and then after he dropped me off i left for finding a job...i applied at value city, office depot, linens and things, old navy, and kmart, hopefully one of those will work for the summer...
umm... then i came home made some jambalaya and now i'm sitting here making a mixed cd.
and chuck wollery just did the same 2 and 2 thing that he used to do on the love connection on ?slingo? i think that's the name of the show... not really paying too much attention.
well it was a nice day, tomorrow is my aunt's surprise birthday party and hopefully some quality paper writing.
they took lila off the list... why why why??
today i hung out in belleville with my exboyfriend, its always so refreshing to hang out with him because he holds me in such a high regard, he thinks i'm the smartest girl in the world because i know who otep are and i knew about captain underwear and his sillypants... that's nice to me... i like feeling smart.
its so weird at my school now because everyone knows everything about everything or at least claims to, so it takes away from the fun of telling someone something new that they may not know about, i really like to do that, as i'm sure most people do.
but i also like to be intellectually challenged which was a huge part of the problem between me and this fellow...
so it goes.
and then after he dropped me off i left for finding a job...i applied at value city, office depot, linens and things, old navy, and kmart, hopefully one of those will work for the summer...
umm... then i came home made some jambalaya and now i'm sitting here making a mixed cd.
and chuck wollery just did the same 2 and 2 thing that he used to do on the love connection on ?slingo? i think that's the name of the show... not really paying too much attention.
well it was a nice day, tomorrow is my aunt's surprise birthday party and hopefully some quality paper writing.
they took lila off the list... why why why??

wow, that guy was touchy. it would be frustrating to be the artistic relative of someone much more famous. I heard through the grapevine that I shouldn't ask Sleater-Kinney any "women in rock" questions. they never said that, though.
drunken comment: you are just too cute for wordss