why does every girl i know take prozac or some other sort of anti-depressant medication?
its the weirdest unspoken trend in our society i think, depressed 18 year olds addicted to prozac.
speaking of that i'm sad, i just took a st. john's wort pill hopefully that should do some good, i really don't believe that pills do anything for moods, so i'm not going to hop on the depressed bus anytime soon.
seems like a placebo affect really.
anywho, things are alright, i signed up for classes today, well not really but i talked about the classes that i wanted to take with my advisor.
i'll be taking:
Intro to Public Relations
Issues in Mass Media
Continuing Spanish
Intro to Philosophical Thought
seems like it should be a great semester except for spanish.
well its time to eat, so keep on keepin' on.
its the weirdest unspoken trend in our society i think, depressed 18 year olds addicted to prozac.
speaking of that i'm sad, i just took a st. john's wort pill hopefully that should do some good, i really don't believe that pills do anything for moods, so i'm not going to hop on the depressed bus anytime soon.
seems like a placebo affect really.
anywho, things are alright, i signed up for classes today, well not really but i talked about the classes that i wanted to take with my advisor.
i'll be taking:
Intro to Public Relations
Issues in Mass Media
Continuing Spanish
Intro to Philosophical Thought
seems like it should be a great semester except for spanish.
well its time to eat, so keep on keepin' on.

i dropped spanish from my schedule for the second time....