ouchie my back is in pain... i've been sitting in this computer chair for way too long...
i'm currently avoiding writing a paper, i have two of the five paragraphs written, its really sad that in colleg i'm still writing five paragraph essays, i always envisioned something better than this, like everything sort of changed once you got to college and you became mature and got a husband and life worked out perfectly.
and now that i'm here it seems like everything isn't like that at all, and all of my friends aren't mature they are way less mature than me, which is strange. and they don't look older like all the college kids looked when i was young, maybe because my image of the ideal college student was from the movies, and they were being played by 30 year olds, eh i don't know.
i had a point i wanted to make but now i've somehow lost it... oh well, i want to get out of here and have a happy life, now, i hate all this waiting around and not doing anything, still writing the same five paragraph essay i wrote in 7th grade just with a larger vocabulary, and really what do these essays really prove. nothing. will i have to go to my job in three years and write five paragraph essays to please my boss?? i really doubt it, and if i do i think i'll laugh for a good five years.
but maybe that's just another mis perception of a dream and i'll get to my first job and things will be exactly like they are and i'll constantly be hoping for something better.
that's definitely my problem, always hoping for something better, never satisfied with the status quo, that'll probably make me have an incredibly unhappy life or an extremely happy one, one way or another.
i wish i could write papers like this.
oh and i think jen's decided that she doesn't like me, that should make my next year really great. woot.
i'm currently avoiding writing a paper, i have two of the five paragraphs written, its really sad that in colleg i'm still writing five paragraph essays, i always envisioned something better than this, like everything sort of changed once you got to college and you became mature and got a husband and life worked out perfectly.
and now that i'm here it seems like everything isn't like that at all, and all of my friends aren't mature they are way less mature than me, which is strange. and they don't look older like all the college kids looked when i was young, maybe because my image of the ideal college student was from the movies, and they were being played by 30 year olds, eh i don't know.
i had a point i wanted to make but now i've somehow lost it... oh well, i want to get out of here and have a happy life, now, i hate all this waiting around and not doing anything, still writing the same five paragraph essay i wrote in 7th grade just with a larger vocabulary, and really what do these essays really prove. nothing. will i have to go to my job in three years and write five paragraph essays to please my boss?? i really doubt it, and if i do i think i'll laugh for a good five years.
but maybe that's just another mis perception of a dream and i'll get to my first job and things will be exactly like they are and i'll constantly be hoping for something better.
that's definitely my problem, always hoping for something better, never satisfied with the status quo, that'll probably make me have an incredibly unhappy life or an extremely happy one, one way or another.
i wish i could write papers like this.
oh and i think jen's decided that she doesn't like me, that should make my next year really great. woot.