god i totally fucked up my math final... every ounce of it, i even didn't get to the last problem of 9.
i'm such a fucking failure.
i had an 85% or so before this final... so maybe that'll provide enough cushion. eh.
i hope you guys are all good and whatever.
i'm such a fucking failure.
i had an 85% or so before this final... so maybe that'll provide enough cushion. eh.
i hope you guys are all good and whatever.

I am sorry you didn't do so well on your math final. Hopefully you didn't do as bad as you think. Just some random person saying HI
don't worry, they only passed me though physics out of pity, i got 51% in the coarse, and if i didn't pass it, would have failed and had to stay back a year... damn school, i'm never goin' back.