today's the last 'real' day of class. i'm not extremely excited about it this semester, its not that i'm not happy that it's over, it's just meaningless i suppose. i just want to move to the next semester and hopefully i'll have interesting classes with people that make me laugh.
i'm still working at o'charley's, i hate one of my managers, i love the other one, so i suppose it balances itself out appropriately.
last night i had my last radio show of the semester and it helped me to realize how much i love music and i have been neglecting it in my life recently, it really helps to get through things with music or to forget things or to attach feelings to moments in life.
i played steven's last night in town and i ran for the phone like i did when i was in 8th grade listening to that song in my room...
anywho, i'm looking forward to the break, i wish money wasn't such a big deal in this world, i wish i didn't need it to survive, to be able to come up here and visit, to be able to take people out and do things... it would be nice to be able to have an activity of going to the park, but i suppose it's too cold.
i bought toby's christmas present, he should like it.
i also bought heidi a christmas present, it's not much, but she wanted it.
my mom made fun of my wrapping and presents that i got her, she obviously knew i got them at the dollar store because she bought the same gift for me. boo. i suppose that's embarassing, but i just think it's the thought that counts, perhaps she doesn't think that way i'm not sure.
y103 said that they will call me back this week, still waiting.
i'm thirsty.
erin's putting on deodorant.
tonight i'm going to a surprise birthday party at mi pueblito. that should be a good time, i hope.
i'm still working at o'charley's, i hate one of my managers, i love the other one, so i suppose it balances itself out appropriately.
last night i had my last radio show of the semester and it helped me to realize how much i love music and i have been neglecting it in my life recently, it really helps to get through things with music or to forget things or to attach feelings to moments in life.
i played steven's last night in town and i ran for the phone like i did when i was in 8th grade listening to that song in my room...

anywho, i'm looking forward to the break, i wish money wasn't such a big deal in this world, i wish i didn't need it to survive, to be able to come up here and visit, to be able to take people out and do things... it would be nice to be able to have an activity of going to the park, but i suppose it's too cold.
i bought toby's christmas present, he should like it.
i also bought heidi a christmas present, it's not much, but she wanted it.

my mom made fun of my wrapping and presents that i got her, she obviously knew i got them at the dollar store because she bought the same gift for me. boo. i suppose that's embarassing, but i just think it's the thought that counts, perhaps she doesn't think that way i'm not sure.
y103 said that they will call me back this week, still waiting.
i'm thirsty.
erin's putting on deodorant.
tonight i'm going to a surprise birthday party at mi pueblito. that should be a good time, i hope.

lemme know when and where!