so my boyfriend exploded mom's died a couple nights ago, i really am at a loss of how to deal with this, when i think of his mom dying i think of mine dying or how my grandma died and i don't want him to feel the pain that i felt then so i'm trying to shield him as much as possible from that sort of thing.
although i'm sure that's exactly what he needs to feel i can't let someone i care so much about feel bad because of something i inquire about or wonder about, it just isn't fair. it just isn't fair, no one should die that young.
although i'm sure that's exactly what he needs to feel i can't let someone i care so much about feel bad because of something i inquire about or wonder about, it just isn't fair. it just isn't fair, no one should die that young.

Sorry to hear of the loss... every end is a new beginning... There are never really good-byes...there is only change...