i am now the coolest girl in the history of time, all boys now must swoon at my presence, because i am actually this dorky.
i created a world in which the legos came up to this doorway that led to a world filled with flowers, monkeys, and horses, but looking over the world was this man on a pedestal with a black rope coming out of his head... also there was a spinning book, i'm not sure why.
anywho, it was the best!
i am now the coolest girl in the history of time, all boys now must swoon at my presence, because i am actually this dorky.
i created a world in which the legos came up to this doorway that led to a world filled with flowers, monkeys, and horses, but looking over the world was this man on a pedestal with a black rope coming out of his head... also there was a spinning book, i'm not sure why.
anywho, it was the best!
Me and a friend just made an end-table out of Legos the other night... It's maye 3 feet tall, and a foot across... kinda tapers in at the middle, then back out at the top with a bunch of buttresses and stuff...
The coolest thing is, at the base of it, we made a minature recreation of my apartment... and now a bunch of little Lego-Men live in there.
I just thought of something weird... maybe I should make a little Lego-Table in the Lego-Apartment.
(and maybe it has a little Lego-Apartment in the bottom of it... with another little Lego-Table... with another apartment... with another table... ad infinitum).
Just thought of something even weirder... what if I'M a little Lego-Man?