my dreams lately have been incredibly scary.
last night i had a dream that i was stuck in a supermarket but not a regular supermarket, one where all they sell are cheezits and scary weapons, i don't know why the cheezits were there i guess i was hungry for them in my sleep.
so for my protection i made out with a certain boy that i happen to make out with every night in my dreams, which just sucks because i want him out of my life and out of my head.
then yesterday during the day i had a dream about checking people out at this haunted house of some sort they bought all sorts of odd food, and they stayed the entire day, and somehow i ended up on a spelling bee game show sort of thing and spelt possession in front of the audience, but instead of possession i spelt possessed and this scary woman flew out of the audience and ate my heart.
i'm off today, and want something to do.
last night i had a dream that i was stuck in a supermarket but not a regular supermarket, one where all they sell are cheezits and scary weapons, i don't know why the cheezits were there i guess i was hungry for them in my sleep.
so for my protection i made out with a certain boy that i happen to make out with every night in my dreams, which just sucks because i want him out of my life and out of my head.
then yesterday during the day i had a dream about checking people out at this haunted house of some sort they bought all sorts of odd food, and they stayed the entire day, and somehow i ended up on a spelling bee game show sort of thing and spelt possession in front of the audience, but instead of possession i spelt possessed and this scary woman flew out of the audience and ate my heart.
i'm off today, and want something to do.

...I will see you tomorrow!
Usually, my dream will start of normal enough... I'll just be existing in some imagionary world, doing imagionary things... then all the sudden, Tito (my subconscious arch-nemesis... a small monkey with a horrible French accent and a rapier) will show up and engage me in a sword-fight... then all the sudden (as if I was a Highlander or something) an enormous Claymore will appear in my hands, and the rest of the dream is spent sword-fighting this agile little bastard.
Every now and then though, things are a little different, and my esteemed adversary and I are fighting back to back against an oncoming horde of Ninjas or Tele-Tubbies... those dreams are fun...
The rest of the time, I pretty much just dream that I am a bear, somewhere in the woods, walking around doing all the stupid shit bears do (eating berries, turning over logs to find grubs... shit like that).
I have no idea what these recurring dreams mean though.